The Human Robot | Teen Ink

The Human Robot

May 21, 2018
By a.lil.child BRONZE, Houston, Texas
a.lil.child BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl named Ana, she lived with her mom, she didn’t know what happened to her dad but her mom always avoided the topic. She was a really good hacker but wasn't really careful of her actions. She knew that she was different from other people and always was curious about why and what made her different from other people. Kids from her school had always called her the “emotionless robot girl” because she didn’t have a lot or showed a lot of emotions. She started to think that was true, maybe something was wrong with her, maybe she didn’t belong here or anywhere else.  Everyone kept away from her and avoided her, leaving her isolated. There were many times that Ana wanted to end her life, but her mom was the reason why she didn’t. Ana’s mom has always had a bright smile but with a little sadness when she looked at Ana, but Ana never realized.

One day while she was hacking, she came across something peculiar. She found deleted private information about the “first human-like robot”, “robot with emotions”, and there was a picture of a little girl, herself. She was half human and half robot. Ana couldn’t believe what she was reading and didn’t want to believe it at all. Was it really true? While Ana was looking into the private information the government’s hackers somehow picked up on her hacking and alerted the government to quickly go to Ana’s house.

Knock knock. “Ana, can you get the door for me please?” Ana’s Mom asked. Ana opened the door and, startled, found the government standing right in front of her face.

“Hi Mr.Governor what brings you here on this lovely day?” Ana questioned uneasily.

The governor just stood there staring “of course why didn't I know, now I finally found you” he whispered under his breath.

“Excuse me?”Ana asked.

“Oh! Pardon me, but our people from the white house detected someone hacking into private information. We tracked it down to your location. We were wondering who did it?” the governor had asked. Ana’s mom walked in and looked surprised when she saw the government. Her mom's expression looked like a different kind of surprise; a disgusted one. Ana turned around to look at the government and he also had the same expression as her mom. Just what happened with these two, what connection did they have with each other to have that kind of reaction., Ana questioned.

“Ahem, hello Mr.governor did you need something?” Ana’s mom asked coldly.

“Why yes, the people that work for us have picked up a hacker accessing private information. We traced it down to your house.” the governor said.

"That's impossible, no one in this house would do such a thing" Ana's mom protested.

"Well, our workers say it was your daughter, Ana." The government said.

“Ana?” Ana’s mom questioned.

“I didn’t know I was hacking, but what I found is really important information mom, I need to tell you. I’m-” Ana responded.

Quickly the government had cut her off and said “ -the one who did it! Yes, she admitted.”

Ana questioned why did he cut her off? Does he know something that my mom doesn’t?

Ana looked at her mom, her face was a mad expression. “Look I know that my daughter didn’t do anything so leave or else.” The government looked at her for a long time then he left.

Ana’s mom turned around and asked her “ you didn’t hack anything, did you? Be honest don’t lie to me.”

Ana confessed. “I did! You have to know what I saw. I am a robot mom! I’m not human, I'm different from the others, I'm not normal.

Her mom looked confused and startled at the same time, not believing and processing what her, her human daughter said. “Ana, what are you talking about, that’s impossible.”

“But it is mom! After all these years of questioning why I didn’t fit in, I finally understand why. Why I don’t belong, why people avoid me, it’s because I'm not human!” Ana felt wet stuff roll down Ana’s face, and it wouldn’t stop. Ana’s mom looked surprised
“You aren’t a robot you have to prove to me,” Ana’s mom said.

Ana told her mom what she could do that humans couldn’t. After that Ana’s mom stood in shock. “See? Maybe I really don’t belong here.” Ana said.

    After that Ana’s mom realized what was happening. She then told Ana everything about her father. “You see honey, your father is the government. He and I used to date but something terrible happened. We were really poor and had no money, and I also had a baby, which was his. After a few months my baby was born but one night your father was deeply debt and, only thinking about money, he took the child and sold her to get rid of his debt. I realized then that all he ever cared about was money, he was filled with only greed. I was furious, I couldn’t believe what he did. He said that he would make up for it, but I thought you can’t make up for a child, especially hers. And that was the last time I've seen him, but a few days later a little girl arrived at my house and she needed a home, so I took here in. That girl happened to be you, but I don’t regret ever meeting you.”

Ana looked at her mom, startled, her mom was living in pain for the loss of her daughter. Suddenly Ana felt an emotion that she never felt before, her blood started to rise and she was, mad.

Ana’s mom got a text on her phone that said “now that you know what she is, I have to tell you something else, she was supposed to be made as a weapon. If She gets angry she can explode. I'm shutting her down now.” A rise of panic came to the mom and she texted back “Please don’t, I can calm her down. Just let me be happy with my daughter, human or not.”

“Ana, honey, calm down, please.” Her mom said worriedly. She then blurted out “ You were made as a weapon, not a human! If you get mad you’ll blow up, and I don’t want to lose you!”

Ana turned around and stood there for awhile, thinking. After a while, she turned around to her mom and hugged her. She whispered into her ear and said: “ I don’t belong here.” She turned back around and started to get mad.

“ Please! Don’t do this Ana! Don’t leave!” Her mom yelled desperately.

Ana turned around and said “I love you mo-” then she fell to the ground with black holes as eyes. She was shut down.

On her mom’s phone, there was a text message, it said: “I’m sorry, but it’s for the better.”

And there was her mom, standing there with her motionless robot daughter in her hands. Yelling at her to come back. Then, out of nowhere came a black ford drove up and the door opened, there was a teenage girl standing there, she looked so familiar, just like her father. Before she could realize what was happening, the teenage girl spoke.

“Hi, mom.”

The author's comments:

This story just came up to my mind, and I started writing about my idea. I hope people will just enjoy what I write.

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