3 friends planning a party | Teen Ink

3 friends planning a party

December 21, 2018
By Ivan07 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Ivan07 BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eleven a group of guys who were planning to make a party. Before the party the owner of the house was called Enrique his parents were not in the house that day they were going to make the party they had left trip in another state. Before organizing the party Enrique called his best friend named Miguel to tell him if he was going to join them.

Enrique says: What's up ese

Miguel responds: What happened loco

Enrique: what are you doing?

Miguel: nothing loco here nomas resting

Enrique: ok, and what are you going to do today in the afternoon?

Miguel: nothing that alone I will be resting since it is Sunday and I will not go to work.

Enrique: ok, and what do you say you join with me?

Miguel: what for?

Enrique: to put together a fucking party here in my house

Miguel: but your parents do not tell you anything

Enrique: for my parents do not worry they are not away from here

Miguel:ok then tell Rafael that and you warn me what hours  

Enrique: ok carnal you will see that this will be good.

        These two young people finished talking on the phone and Enrique starts looking for the contact number of his other friend called Rafael and called him to ask the same thing he asked Miguel.

Rafael: what happened wey

Enrique: hey crazy you do man

Rafael: nothing crazy here nomas resting

Enrique: orale loco what are you going to do after a while  

Rafael: nothing man why?

Enrique: I just wanted to ask you if you want to join us to have a party at my house.

Rafael: who will be with you during the party man.

Enrique: I have not invited anyone to the Miguel yet.

Rafael: ok, I am also inside your team.

Enrique: ok, well, I'll let you know where we're going to go shopping and right now I'm going to publish a post for friends and girls to come.

Rafael: ok then and I have a guy who has a dj and I'm going to tell him to come with us.

Enrique: ok man  i arrive in another hour man and the party will be at 4:00 in the afternoon.

Rafael: orale we.

       Enrique already had 2 friends who joined him and Enrique calls his friend Miguel to tell him the plan he had made with Rafael.

Enrique: ok man ay you come here to do some things man for the party

Miguel: ok man at what time  

Enrique: in an hour man and ay you get the Rafa will also arrive and the homie has already got a dj.

Miguel: ok man and how are we going to invite the guests?

Enrique: just post it on your social networks and make it possible for anyone to enter, they are welcome and there is a address and time for the party at 4:00 PM.

Miguel: ok  I do it and right now I get man.

Enrique: ok  see you then.

Then enrique started cleaning his house. After having cleaned his house he started waiting for his friends so that they could go out and buy things that they need for the party. He was sitting when he heard the doorbell of his house smile and he went to open the door and when he opened the door he looked at his friend Rafael. Enrique says: What's up that you arrived .

Rafael: ya man and what's up with him Miguel has arrived?

Enrique: still not man but I think I think it does not take long to arrive but enter man and sit while the other carnal arrives.

Rafael: ok man we have to wait for the company

    At that moment when they were inside a car with a lot of noise arrived in front of Enrique's house and Enrique and Rafael looked in the window if it was Miguel with his car. Miguel enters the house and says: how about friends ready for the party?

Enrique: crazy simon we are ready.

Miguel: ok let's get in the car.

      They went to buy at the store in a store and Miguel asks Enrique what are we going to buy first?  

Enrique: we go for a few boxes of beers and some meat for roasting.

Rafael: who is going to pay for all that?

Enrique: we

Rafael: but I do not have much money

Enrique: do not worry better I'll take care of that.

Miguel: look on the social networks that many were commenting on the publication that you put and many girls say that if they are going to attend.

And that's the end of the story of these guys made their party and they were happy.

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