Black Fri-HEY! | Teen Ink

Black Fri-HEY!

January 17, 2019
By Anonymous


The clerks open the doors on the day of Black Friday. Crazed parents are fighting over a Barbie™ doll with a launched bottle of glitter exploding overhead. As if on cue, an angsty tween, JOCELYN, is steering a shopping cart with a toy car, a set of action figures, and a bunch of other toys in one hand and a top hat in the other. Jocelyn’s DAD, a middle-aged man in his mid-life crisis, an obsession with Barbie™ dolls, with a worn out and exhausted expression on his face, stands behind her. The dad points to the small line for the self-checkout, and an EMPLOYEE helping customers check out a stuffed bear with eye-patches on both eyes. They both stand at the back of the line, with Jocelyn tapping her feet on the ground. As they speak, they move ahead in the line.

Will you put that stupid hat back? We’re only getting all these toys for your 5-year-old brother’s birthday. -(sigh)

Why can’t I get this hat? It's on sale!

Everything is. Besides, You won't wear it.

I’ll totally wear it!

OK. First of all, you never wear hats. I’ve never even seen you remotely interested in a hat before today.

That’s because I don’t have any.
(She starts pouting.)

You don’t have any because you never want any.

Well, now I want a hat.

You won’t wear it more than once.

That’s not true.
(She puts the hat on.)

See? I’m wearing it aren’t I?

It's just going to sit in your closet and collect dust.

(in an impudent manner)
How do you know I’m not going to wear it? I’ll wear it! I’ll show you!
(Dramatic five-second pause.)

(After sighing)
This happens whenever I take you out of the house. You want to get something, but I say no. You keep begging until I get it for you. You get excited for a few minutes, but then you just get tired of it and toss it away. You then ignore it for weeks on end while it sits in a corner of your closet, never to be used again and only will be found when you clean out your closet.

(After a few seconds)
Yeah, but this time I’ll actually use it. And, it’s on sale.

They reach the front of the line where the employee looks annoyed and worn-out. The dad and Jocelyn are still arguing about the hat when the employee interrupts them.

(In a Swedish accent)
Can yuh decide whether yuh are gonna get de hat, or what? Dere is a huge line behind yuh.
(The employee points behind Jocelyn and her dad to a large group of people)


(To the employee)
Will you shut your hecking mouth? We are in the middle of an important conversation and you complaining about us does not help! I’m going to talk to your manager about this and you will not be speaking to me in such an antagonizing manner! How dare you-

Y’know what? I quit. I’m done wit' all dese stupid customers.
(He rips off his orange vest and walks out the front door of the building)

(Yelling angrily)
You will not speak to me like that! I will tell your maneger that you have spoken to me like that, you will not get away with this!
(To her dad)
I’m taking the hat weather you buy it for me or not! I deserve this hat for being so good!
(Runs out of the store with the hat in her hand as the alarm sounds.)

(Shouting in her direction)
How are you gonna get home? Also, that's shoplifting!
(He groans angrily and checks out the items.)

The author's comments:

I made this screenplay in class. 

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