The Flying Car | Teen Ink

The Flying Car

April 26, 2019
By Anonymous

One summer morning, I, Patty Patterson, was on my way to work at the local coffee house in Chicago. On my way out, I grabbed my keys and noticed there was a new one on, one I’ve never seen before. I was confused and examined it closer. The key was silver, heart shaped, and about an inch long. I thought it was super cute and decided to keep it on, in case I somehow found out what it was for. I then proceeded to get in my car to drive to work.

I thought it was going to be a normal day but things were off, in a way. I had a feeling the whole day in my stomach, and it made me sick and worried, but I pushed on through the work day. Work went by slow, painfully slow, and the gut feeling I had still didn’t go away. I was worried, but I was able to finish my shift and start heading home. When I grabbed my keys, I noticed the new one again because it burned my hand when I touched it. I dropped my key ring on the ground and stared at the key in disbelief. I carefully grabbed the car key and put it in the ignition, trying not to touch the heart ring, in case it might burn again.

When I arrived home, I examined the ring some more. I wondered what it could be for, where it came from, why do I have it, etc. I touched the ring for a quick second and it was ice cold. So, I decided to take it back to the car when I found it was scorching hot again. Why is it red and hot only when I’m in my car? I took a look around my car and didn’t see anything out of place. I looked in the ignition and thought about what would happen if I just put the silver heart key in. I did, and the car immediately started.

I can’t believe it worked on my car! To see what difference it made, I drove around the neighborhood with it for about two minutes before I noticed it started shaking badly. Concerned, I stopped the vehicle and pulled over to check it out. Even when I was pulled over, it was still shaking rapidly! The car then started making weird noises and suddenly metal wings came out of each side and the noises and shaking stopped. Curious, I went back in the car and saw that the steering wheel changed into the one pilots have. I gassed the car and it sped up to one hundred miles in the two seconds, I pulled up the steering wheel and went into the sky.

Up in the sky, it was gorgeous, so gorgeous I can just live there. Soon enough I got the hang of driving the car in the sky, I figured how to steer and that if I stopped, I would drop back to the ground. I was astonished to be able to see what I was seeing. The hard part was that I had no idea where I was or where I was going. So, I lowered the car down a little bit so that I wasn’t in the clouds as much anymore. I saw skyscrapers, tiny people, tiny cars, even a plane! I flew past the plane and the people were shocked and the little kids were waving at me.

After an hour of flying around, I decided to finally land back by my apartment, since my gas was getting kind of low. People watched me land at my house in awe and started running up to my car. They kept asking me where I got it from, if I made it, if they can drive it, etc. Soon enough the paparazzi came by and asked if they can get a picture of me with the car. After they all left, I went back in the apartment and smiled to myself. I lied down on the couch and kissed the key; I was really happy.

The next morning, the car and I were in the newspaper! We were famous and well known throughout the city, I was recognized everywhere I went. From all the fame, I gained a lot of money, and never had to stress about money since then. I still work at the coffee shop, but just part time; it’s extra money just in case. Life was good and I was super happy with how my life was going.

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