Trump's White House | Teen Ink

Trump's White House

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

1 curtin down with narrator standing off to the right with single spot light illuminating him for all to see.

NARRATOR-(always talking to audience to add sarcastic statements about everything intended to satirize all things said on stage)-

The year is 2019, DONALD TRUMP is still the president, in february the world is slowly crumbling with accusations. The government shutdown is on day 50 or so and Robert Muller is on the hunt for blood and closing fast. Many suspicious claims have been made against Trump and company, about fraud and other scandalous activities. There have been many large payments to a “burger King” for hamburgers? (incredulously questioning) No one knows what will come of anything and people want answers for what has happened. Tensions are rising with the government shut down and since nancy and chuck will not follow suit, the President is coming in to “Trump” them.


2 INT Press room day, Donald Trump and press crew all present.


Trump- Welcome to the White House ladies and gentlemen thank you for all coming and I'd like to take some questions about the controversial issues in the news that you've seen ( more and more animated voice pointing back and forth to himself with both hands) about me myself and I.

Narrator- Donald is talking about how it looks like he is playing right into Russia’s hand with the government shutdown. All of these large expenditures of his own money. Lasty, how it looks with him throwing temper tantrums when Nancy and Chuck don’t agree with him. (quietly to self) And you all thought Hillary was horrible for sending emails.

REPORTER 1- ( phone with microphone running in hand with the most serious tone of voice)  

Mr. Trump, I would like to start out by asking how are you doing? How is your health? And I heard your diet is going well.

Random reporter-

Oh, come on phil, ask a real question you goofball.


No no no I want to talk more about my health and how i'm doing. And to start I am doing very well and my diet is going extremely well. My chef is making the most exquisite cuisine that any chef has ever made. The name of the diet is a see food diet. It is the best diet ever I love it. It never gets old! Next Question.


REPORTER 2- Mr. President I heard from a little birdy chirping in my ear that the you are spending a lot of money at Burger king and that your personal chef has not been coming to work. I was wondering if there is a reason behind this, or if he is just taking a little break for a while?

Trump (in his lying voice)- Yes he has not been coming into work as he is on strike and says he will not be back to work until the government shutdown is over, as his cousins juan Jose and david are government workers. So I have been on my see food diet and so Burger king has been my go to place to eat. As I am POTUS and I like to eat my Burger king as it is the greatest burger ever. Just like our wall will be. When Nancy and Chuck follow suit. Next Question.

Narrator (off on the side with single spot light upon him)- When Trump says government workers working he means that they are working on building a bridge to terabithia for Trump’s personal use for after he is no longer the President.


REPORTER 3- MR. Trump I am here to ask about how Robert Muller has unearthed that you are literally playing right into Russia's hand by shutting down the government for over 2 months. You have taken our troops out of syria and that gives Russia free rain to come in and do a they please in the middle east. As we now no longer have troops there to stop russia is this what you want is for russia to rule the world with putin at the head and you his little servant?

I have no comment on this matter at the moment as I do not know what you are talking about. This is fake news because even I do not know about it so it has to be fake (Trump's face gets redder and redder as he says this and tries to keep it cool.) Next Question


    Stage directions(right before he finishes his sentence his press secretary jumps in and takes over for Trump so he can get on with his day)


3 int Oval Office  daytime Panorama to Trump sitting in chair talking to  cabinet members and other members of white house staff including chief of staff.


Donald- These fake news reporters must be stopped! They are ruining my image and are making us look like bad people. Which I am not, I am the greatest president ever to have been in this office. Now I need everyone to start making false accusations of everyone who has wronged us, including Nancy Pelosi, as she is the demon herself with the democrats. She will not fund this wall as it has still not been built.

Narrator- This is what Trump does this all the time. Someone brings up a controversial topic, the press secretary jumps in and Trump does not know how to respond. So it makes everything look very suspicious when all the “fake news” wants to know what’s going on in the white house.  And sometimes it is controversial topics like this, or its just a question that Trump doesn't know how to respond this happens.

CHIEF OF STAFF- Mr. Trump I have an idea. I will just claim that the democrats were talking with Israel about giving them a nuke so that it puts all the heat on them even though we all know it's not true but it would get the press off your back for a little while at least until they realize it's not true.

Trump- I like that idea maybe it will stick and they won’t find out it's actually fake and say in there somewhere that they are also working with Russia on it so it takes more of the heat off of us and puts it on them. That's a great idea run with and say I figured it all out so that everyone thinks I’m smart and that I am good at things.

Chief of staff- Mr. Trump I do not believe that is a good idea. As you do not do anything in this matter it should just be a general statement from our writers because they would be the ones to release something like that. If you say this then everyone in the world would think something fishy is going on then and they all figure out that we lied a lot faster. Than if it's just someone from the White House publishing a story.


I don’t believe you. I think that my name should be on the front of the document so that everyone knows that I Donald Trump do things in this white house. So now please now everyone now get to making it look like we know what we are doing here.

Chief of staff-

Mr. Trump that’s not a good idea but okay we will proceed with making it look like you did it all.

4 Three days later, newsroom with news anchor about to break the news


Everyone in every news outlet found out that the article “Trump” wrote and was a fabricated lie to take heat off of himself and his administration. Absolutely no one fell for that lie just like no one will fall for his “deal” to get money for the wall. Lets see how this play out for trump in his 15 minutes of time with the press core.


Hello everybody I know you all know what has happened. If anyone is here to ask about the controversy of MY document.( in a stern voice) I will not have it. So if anyone has any other questions than of recent events. Maybe about how we will pay for the wall or how our economy is doing better now than ever in Obama’s presidency.

Reporter 1-

Mr trump we have to know what's going on my producer wants to know what's going on over here in the white house. No one knows what to think or believe as you are making counter arguments to whatever you say even though you tell us that these are facts. Then you tell us someone else will tell us the truth or that someone else will figure out your problems or pay for something. But nothing ever happens. No one gets closure to anything ever anymore as you wont tell us the truth and all you do is tweet that we tell fake news. But you will not tell us the truth so we have to speculate what's going on. You get angry at us, say we publish fake news but you will not tell us the true news to publish.

To be continued in the next chapter. For someone to tell in another class.

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