AHS Library | Teen Ink

AHS Library

April 30, 2013
By Jorgen Stevens BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
Jorgen Stevens BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Camera pans in on the entrance of Amery High School, zooming in on words “Amery High School”

Narrator: Every day, approximately 520 students shuffle their way around Amery High School. The elite make their way into the library.

Pan across the library

Now to our hosts, Jorgen Stevens and Ashley Forrest.

Jorgen: Right. I’m here at the Amery High School library with my co-host Ashley to bring you in on all the latest news happening at AHS.

Librarian: Shhh!

Jorgen: Right. (In low whisper) Hey Ashley, that looks like Jimmy Johnson over there. Let’s go talk to him. (They walk over to a table where Jimmy is sitting) Jimmy, I heard you slapped a kid at lunch.

Jimmy: (confused) Uh.. That’s not true at all.

Ashley: Yeah. Word is you punched Bobby in the face.

Jimmy: No. That’s not true at all.

Jorgen: You beat a kid up at lunch?

Jimmy: No! I would never!

Ashley: (Acting disgusted) That is sick! How could you?!

Jorgen: There you have it folks, Jimmy put a kid in the hospital at lunch. (They start walking towards the front desk)

Camera cuts to back room. The room is set up in an interview setting. The interviewer is sitting behind the camera, Jimmy is in front of the camera.

Jimmy: (Trying to hold back tears) I didn’t hit anyone.. (Starts crying)

Camera holds for a few seconds, and then cuts to a classroom, female teacher is in front of her class

Teacher Lady: Alright class, let’s go to the library. We will be in the computer lab.

Camera cuts to Jorgen and Ashley standing against some book shelves.

Jorgen: So Ashley, have you read and good books lately?

Ashley: (Confused) What’s a book?

Jorgen: Right. Hey it looks like a class is coming to use the computers.

Camera turns to see kids standing at the front desk, Teacher Lady walks in

Teacher Lady: What’s going on?

Librarian: Mr. Dylan’s class is in the lab right now.

Teacher Lady: (Annoyed) Well I’m signed up for it so he needs to move.

Mr. Dylan: (walks out of the lab) What’s wrong?

Teacher Lady: I’m signed up for the lab.

Mr. Dylan: Oh ok. I’ll get my kids out right away.

Teacher Lady: (Angry)Do you even know how to check out the lab?

Mr. Dylan: Uh yeah. I’m sorry.

After Mr. Dylan’s class comes out and the Teacher Lady’s class enters, the camera cuts to the interview setting with the Teacher Lady in front of the camera

Teacher Lady: Who does he think he is? He thinks he can come in here and use the lab whenever he wants? No.

Interviewer: My question was, does it make you mad?

Teacher Lady: (Angry) Oh my god. It is so aggravating. You don’t even know how aggravating it is. I mean does he know how to look online? Does he know how to check out the lab?

Camera cuts to interview with Mr. Dylan in front of the camera

Mr. Dylan: What happened? Well I was trying to move. I was trying to let her in the lab but she kept yelling and I just got scared.

Interviewer: So, do you know about the list and checking out the lab?

Mr. Dylan: Yes. (Getting angry) I’ve been here ten years. This is her first year and she thinks I don’t know how to check out the lab? What a dumb-

Camera cuts to Jorgen and Ashley sitting in chairs next to a shelf of magazines.

Jorgen: Well that was intense.

Ashley: Yeah it was. Hey look, it’s Melanie Holter. Hey Melanie, come over here.

Melanie comes and sits next to Ashley.

Melanie: Hey guys. What’s up?

Ashley: Not much. Just hosting our television show.

Melanie: Wait, this is going to be on T.V.?

Ashley: Yeah. People will see you in their homes.

Melanie: That’s awesome! Shout out to my mother. Love you!

Jorgen: That’s five bucks.

Melanie: What?

Jorgen: Yeah, it costs five dollars to give a little shout out.

Melanie: I.. I don’t have any money.

Ashley: Its ok Mel, you don’t have to pay

Jorgen: Not this time I guess. Well folks, that’s all for today. We will be back tomorrow, same time. Also, new to Tuesday nights, Shower time, where we go inside the mens locker room her at AHS and get news from the people inside the shower.

Ashley: I’m not coming with.

Camera pans across library, cuts to “Amery High School” on the front of the building, zooms out, gets shot of whole school, then turns black.

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