Nachos | Teen Ink


November 18, 2013
By mikaylathompson BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
mikaylathompson BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

SETTING: A girl named HER sits in a messy bedroom with scattered clothes lying on the floor. With only one half of the stage lit, a desk lamp is the only light in the right half, illuminating crumpled balls of paper from rejected writing ideas. A frustrated look is left on HER’s face, a look of desperation all too familiar to those who write.


[After writing one word at a time, HER’s reward system is M&M’s]
I . . . am . . . never going . . . to finish this.
[taps pencil on the paper to a beat, hums along for a while]
Nope. Never.
[pulls out cell phone from under a pile of caffeinated sodas, sighs when there are no new text messages or calls. HER sets the phone on top of a stack of writing guides and scribbles a few more sentences]
[talking to a cat on the floor]
Huh. I wonder why he never called back. The date wasn’t that bad. Seriously. I mean maybe I shouldn’t have ordered onions as a pizza topping, and maybe I shouldn’t have talked so much about the significance of the Southern Gothic setting that contributed to the psychological thrill in A Streetcar Named Desire. But he said he liked that play. A lot.
[cups hands in face while thinking, then grabs cat off of floor and lifts it up to her face to look eye to eye]
What do you think, Pookie? Should I call?
Blink twice for a yes, once for a no.
[watches then squints skeptically]
Well, what would you know. You’re a cat.
[drops cat to the floor and takes a couple more bites of M&M’s before dialing HIM’s phone number]
SETTING: With the light remaining on the right half of the stage still, the left half also becomes lit. A boy named HIM sits in his messy basement, eyes glued to video games.


[stuffs nacho chips into his mouth while managing to still press the right buttons on the game controller]

[talking on a headset to an unseen person online]

You suck. I’ll get you next time.

[hears his phone ringing and checks the caller ID]

Hold on a sec, I guess I should take this.


[tapping foot impatiently on the ground under her desk with her phone held up to her face]

[while waiting] First ring, he has cat-like reflexes . . . or he’s a psychopathic stalker. Now, second ring and third ring, he loves you. Fourth ring, maybe.


[holds cell phone but lets it ring 5 times before answering]


Fifth ring . . .


[confused face and scrunched eyebrows in question] Um, what?


[smacks forehead in embarrassment] Erm, nothing.


Is everything alright?


[mutters “no” under breath]

Yeah. Completely.


[crunches on a chip while talking]

So what’s up?


Well, not much. Just trying to write an impossible script.


Oh, yeah. You told me about that in the lunch line.


So, I was wondering . . . are we going to hang out again any time soon?


[stuffs a whole bunch of nacho chips into his mouth to avoid the question]

Oh. Yeah. Sure. Hey, I’ll catch you later, okay?


[face drops]

Oh, okay. No problem. Alrighty. Talk to you later, alligator.


Um. After a while, crocodile . . . ?


[hangs up the phone without answering and watches cat on the floor]

Pookie, don’t mock me like that. I can see it in those eyes. Maybe you were right. Alligator? Crocodile? Are you serious? What is this, the coloring table at kindergarten? I’m hopeless.

SETTING: Left half of the stage with HIM is now dark. The right half is left lit, the side with HER in her bedroom.



Honey, did you ever eat your dinner?


Mother, I’m not hungry.


[sounding concerned]

But you love my Chicken Parmesan!


I’m fine. Really. I just need to write.


[walking into bedroom]

You’ve been staring at a half blank page for nearly two hours.


Only one fourth is blank, thank you.

[turns on headphones and blasts volume]


Well, let me know if you need anything.


[takes one headphone out of her ear]

Will do.


[leaves, walking out of room]


[grabs pillow from her bed in the background and sets on the desk to bury her face in]

Ugh. This is useless. Everything. Why did I want to be a writer?

[hears phone ringing on desk, picks it up to check the caller ID and notices HIM is calling her back]

Is he seriously trying to call me now?


SETTING: The left half of the stage is lit once more, as HER answers HIM’s call. HIM is still sitting alone in his basement in a hoodie but with his legs crossed on top of the couch and the game system turned off.

[presses the ignore call button, and crosses arms. phone rings again so HER decides to finally answer the call]


[dead pan voice]

Why are you calling.


Give me just one second.




What I wanted to tell you is that I really don’t like you like that because . . .


Your second is over.

[HER hangs up and HIM is left to hear the end call beep]


[looks at phone and tosses on the floor]



[tapping her fingers to her face on top of her writing desk, thinking]


[looks around for Pookie on the ground]

Pookie pookie! I know what I’m going to write about! Heartbreak . . . and I don’t even care if it’s cliché. It will get the job done. I’m going to bed now, I’ll do this all later.

[sets alarm clock and counts on her fingers]

If I wake up at 3AM, that should give me 5 hours of sleep and 4 hours before school to write about how miserable it is to be an acne-ridden teenager in love.

[smiles and runs to get under the covers]

Goodnight, Pookie.

[lights dim to darkness]

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