The ‘Shroom News: Episode One- An Interview with Luigi. | Teen Ink

The ‘Shroom News: Episode One- An Interview with Luigi.

January 12, 2014
By Anonymous

The show starts off with its theme song blasting with the opening credits on screen. After the opening sequence rolls, the music begins to die down. Now the screen shows the interviewer, Toad, sitting across from the interviewee, Luigi. When the music stops entirely, Toad begins the show.
Toad: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first ever episode of ‘Shroom News, a TV series dedicated to bringing you top stories about celebrities in the Mushroom Kingdom.
(Toad pauses to take a sip of apple juice from a Sippy cup. He then places the drink back down.)
Tonight we have a very special guest, the one and only Luigi, brother of the famed Super Mario!
Luigi: Um, hi everyone! Glad to be on the show, I suppose, I mean it’s a real honor to be here.
Toad: Thanks Luigi! I’m so glad you are on the first episode for my new show!
So anyways, this is how it’s going to go: I’ll ask questions, and you’ll answer them, okay?
Luigi: Okay!
Toad: So, um, Luigi. How does it feel to be the younger brother of the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom? Do you ever feel jealous of Mario’s time in the limelight?
Luigi: Um…well I guess its cool being Mario’s bro, I mean; he is my brother so um... yeah.
He’s pretty cool sometimes, but well, um, yeah we are bros so we don’t always get along. We do most of the time, though; we don’t really get into arguments a lot.
Toad: And to answer my second question, do you ever feel jealous that Mario is in the spotlight most of the time?
Luigi: Err… I don’t know really, I guess sometimes I kind of wish I could be as popular as my bro, but well, um, I don’t really have anything against him.
He’s a great brother, and he does go through a lot, so it’s not like he doesn’t deserve it or anything. I mean, I don’t know if I would be able to do some of the stuff he can on a daily basis, so I guess it’s fair.
Toad: Can you tell me what it’s like being one of the few humans in the Mushroom Kingdom? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Luigi: It’s kind of strange I guess, mostly because of how I’m taller than most of the people living here, which has its advantages and disadvantages sometimes.
Well, um, it’s good for getting things that are high up and seeing over crowds, I suppose. But, um, I guess sometime being asked to sit at the back in movie theatres is kind of…annoying I guess, but I don’t mind too much really.
Toad: Alright. Now tell me, what do you usually do when Mario goes off on an adventure?
Luigi: I usually do a lot of things, you know, like um…. let’s see, I often do exciting things like cleaning up the house, you know, and fighting all the um…dust bunnies and stuff. I might pay the taxes, if it’s around that time. Sometimes I battle grocery lines, and wait behind people with millions of coupons for a while, which happens every time I go grocery shopping for some reason. I don’t really know why, but I always seem to get stuck behind someone like that.
But, um, the worst time was when someone paid in pennies for a $12 purchase. This actually happened in the real world, by the way.
That’s about it really- oh wait! I also have to face door-to-door salestoads. They’re really challenging, mostly because they always seem to know when I’m at home.
Toad: I think this next question is something everyone wants to know. Are you ready for it?
Luigi: Um…okay, sure, what is it?
Toad: What are your feelings towards Princess Daisy of Sarasaland?
Luigi: Wh-wha-what? I-I d-d-don’t know what you mean! Um... can you ask the next question?
Toad: Nope, sorry, that’s the last one.
Luigi: Um, can I skip it?
Toad: Do you really want to?
Luigi: YES! - I mean, um, yes I want to skip it, if that’s okay with you.
Toad: Alright then. Thanks for coming Luigi; it’s been a real honor to interview you.
Luigi: Well, um, thanks!
Toad: And now that’s the end of this episode of the ‘Shroom News! This week’s question for everyone watching this at home: Is Luigi in denial about his feelings for Princess Daisy?
Luigi: Wait-what? Hang on, I’m not-
Toad: Send a comment to us on what you think, and I’ll bring it up on the next show! Thanks for watching, and I'll see you all next week!
Luigi: Hold up, I didn’t say that-


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