You'll be in my heart | Teen Ink

You'll be in my heart

January 17, 2014
By Pierced_Siren BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pierced_Siren BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. -Ingrid Bergman

Ehlena Fernandez-Lead female
Kellin Gonzalez-Lead male
Alexis-Lead female best friend
Jace-Lead mal best friend
Jasper-Lead male and female's child
Meredith-Lead male and female's child

Act 1 Scene 1- Baby on board?
Setting: Upstairs second story bathroom in south eastern Pennsylvania. October 16, 2013 7:56pm.

Ehlena pacing back and forth with the stick in her hand: Lex.... what if I am? How do I tell him about it. He said before he didn't want any kids....Urgh! I just don't know, any in site? He is your brother.
Alexis glances up from her phone and grins: Relax, you know that he said that if it happened one day that you'd both care for it. My in site is... Let me record him flip out over it."
Ehlena Stops pacing and glares at Alexis who puts her hands up and surrenders: What's taking this thing so long any way?
Alexis: Who knows, it says five minutes on the box.
Ehlena gives groan as she sits down only to hear the stick beep. She looks down at it and freezes (aside): Oh no, I really am? There really is a baby inside of me. Boy Ehlena you've done it now... You've been with Kellin for a little over three years, we're only 19. We're not ready for this. We're not ready but there's no way, I'd ever think of terminating the baby and if he's found about it he would be pissed. But if I keep it, how will I know he won't leave us abandoned like my father did?
Alexis: So what's it say?
Ehlena Takes a deep breath: You're an aunt.
Alexis stands up dropping her phone on the floor: No way!
Ehlena :...Way...
(Alexis walks to Ehlena and rubs her back.)

Act 1 Scene 2 Two surprises in one...
Setting: Ehlena and Kellin's Living room . November 21, 2013 8:00pm.
Ehlena (Aside): I honestly can't believe he's putting this on me right now. This is not what I want to hear. I haven't even said anything about being pregnant and it's been a month since I took the test.
Ehlena with her hands over her face shaking her head: Will you listen to me Kellin! I don't want you to go. You never even told me that you enlisted for the Army. At that, it wasn't even for the reserve but active duty!
Kellin crouches down and touches Ehlena's shoulder who shrugs it away: Babe, we need the money. You know we do, I don't know what else to do. You know I'm not as bright as you. So I'm less likely to get hired.
Kellin(aside): She used my name, I know she's pissed why didn't I talk to her beforehand? Five bucks says she's going to go there next.
Ehlena pushes out of the seat she's in: Oh don't try to make yourself sound stupid! Half of the time you're trying to spit philosophy at me. Either way this is something we were supposed to talk about it together. I lose you for six years and what happens if you don't come back. Especially if you're thinking to go under firefighting as your specialty.
Kellin gives a hefty sigh and starts to pace: I'm sorry Babe I really am. But it's something I have to do. I promise I'll stay safe and with you in my heart nothing can stop me. Every day I'll wait for you to write to me. I'll enjoy looking at your picture, remember the smell of your long jet black curly hair.
(Kellin walks to her and pulls her close pressing a kiss to her lips. Ehlena began to sob.)
Ehlena pulls away and goes to folder and takes out a ultrasound photo: This is why I don't want you to go. We're going to need you here.
Kellin with a shaky hand takes the photo and looks at Ehlena brushing her hair back: Then we really need the money. Twins! Wow.
Ehlena: I guess we both had surprises to share.
(Kellin gets on both knees and wraps his arms around Ehlena)

Act 1 Scene 3 Merry Christmas
Setting: Ehlena's family's home, December 25, 2013 5:00 pm.

Ehlena rubs stomach while looking out snowy window.
Relative one: Face it Ehlena, he's not coming down here. Not in that weather.
Ehlena Wrinkles nose: Yes he will. He promised.
Relative two: I honestly don't understand what you see in him. He's a dead beat, who you've been with for three years and he still hasn't popped the question? Pathetic.
Ehlena(Aside): They think he's no good. And honestly he has made me stress but since announcing my pregnancy we've been fine... Plus he's been at the training boot camp and I don't need to rush marriage because to me it's bad enough I have a bun in the oven.
Alexis: Will you leave her be? Kellin's sweet and he's trying really trying. And if he's stuck out there it's not his fault.
(Alexis pats Ehlena's shoulder softly)
(A flash of light comes in through the window. It's a car and Ehlena spots someone outside and starts moving to the door. Ehlena throws it open and starts running out the door. Kellin dropped his bag as he seen her coming to him and wraps his arms around her)
Kellin: I'm here Babe, Merry Chirstmas.
Jace: Now where's the turkey. We're starving.
Ehlena(Gives a soft laugh as Kellin rubs her arms): Come on foods on the table.
(Turns to go back inside and sees Alexis smiling while a few of Ehlena's relatives with their jaws on the ground)

Act 1Scene 4 The babies are coming!
Setting: Mercy Hospital Delivery Room June 23, 2014 11:00 am.

Ehlena (Cries out in pain gripping her mother's hand): Get them ouuuuuuuughhhhhhhht!!!!!!!!!!!
Doctor: Just breath Ehlena. We'll have them out in no time. On the count of three push..... One... Two... Three... Push!
(Ehlena pushes)
Doctor: Good. Good. deep breaths. Now push!
Ehlena(aside): No one ever warned me that being in labor for 19 hours would be so painful and I will never understand why I decided to have a natural birth. But My thoughts were on the boyfriend who wasn't there and the twins who were having such a hard time entering the world. But this much I do know after those hours of strenuous labor I coded. I had died that night and the Doctor and the sound of the twins crying in need brought me back. Kellin would take it out on himself if I died. And he wouldn't be able to look at the twins.
(Three hours later)
Ehlena(gives a groan and opens her eyes)
(Ehelena's mother approaches with a tearful smile and the twins in her hands. She puts them in Ehlena's arms.)
Ehlena's mom: I asked them for permission to bring in the laptop so that Kellin can call you. That should be in about five minutes. I'll leave you to it.
(Ehlena lookes down at her twins as they suckle on her breast in greedy hunger. Their green eyes like Kellin's and black hair like her own. Her skype goes off and Ehlena moves the children so they are no longer feeding and answers the call. Kellin's face appears and he is grinning with tears in his eyes.)
Ehlena: Babe, we make some beautiful babies. Maybe we should have more.
Kellin (Chuckles and wipes his eyes): Maybe we'll hold off for a while Baby. I heard what happened. Lex told me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.
Ehlena(Smiles weakly): I'm here now. I could never leave you or them. You'll always be in my heart no matter what.
(Babies coo and Ehlena giggles softly)
Kellin: Did you decide on the names? Are they the ones we talked about?
Ehlena: Mhm, say hello to Jasper and Meredith.
Kellin: Hey Jasper hope you grow in to a big strong man like me. And Meredith stay daddy's little girl forever, stay as beautiful as your mother and as kind and sweet and patient as she is. No boyfriends either little missy.
Kellin (Aside): These are my children and I need to protect them as much as I possibly can. Give them a better home and a better future. I almost lost my girl, I won't let that happen again. five years and then I'm home.
Ehlena: We should really let you go. I know you're probably busy.
Kellin (Nods his head):Okay Babe. I'll be on leave soon. I promise I'll be home for at least a week.

Act 1 Scene 5 Just hold on I'm coming home.
Setting: Ehlena's dining room, April 16 2015 2:00pm.

(Enters Ehlena with a ten month old baby in her arms)

Ehlena walks to the laptop and turns on the video chat: Jasper, Daddy and his friend should be up in a minute.
(Video makes a bing noise and up pops Kellin's face along with his friend Jace. In the back movement can be seen but you can't tell what it is.)
(Jasper gave a high pitched squeal as his father came on the screen.)
Kellin: Hey, Babe and my little guy! What's up where's Meredith? You can't show me Thing One without Thing Two.
Ehlena (shook her head): Your daughter is sleeping you know she's the timid one of the twins.
Kellin: Righttttt... So how's everyone down there?
(Jace is moving around in the background speaking in a low tone. His words are muffled so Ehlena can't hear.)
Ehlena (tilts her hand back and forth): Ehh, the twins are a handful some day but mom comes by and spends time with them on most days. My books are selling so we're getting by alright. The dog is on full protection mode over them. It's kind of cute. What about you and Jace?
Jace( moves into the screen): Oh you know us Ehlena, protecting the innocent one fire at a time. Russia is really beautiful, you should see it.
Kellin (pushes Jace out the screen): Get out of here. I gotta ask her something.
Ehlena ( sits up a little straighter): What do you have to ask me?
(There's a knock on the door and Ehlena let's out a heavy sigh and Jasper coos.)
Kellin: You should answer that.
(Ehlena gives a nod of her head and get's up and opens the door gasping in surprise. Kellin and his troop are at the door)
Kellin: My question is what are you doing for the rest of your life Babe. I'm hoping you're willing to be my wife. (He gets down on one knee with the ring in hand) Will you marry me?
Ehlena (wipes the tears from her face and nods her yes): Yes! Yes! Yes!
(She brings her hand down so that Kellin can slip the ring on and Jasper gives an excited squeal)

The author's comments:
This is about a girl who is losing her boyfriend who decided to go to war. Before he goes, she find out she's pregnant. It's yet another assignment I had to do for school,my way of coping with my boyfriend leaving.

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