Sleepover | Teen Ink


May 20, 2014
By Oscar Taub BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Oscar Taub BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

[4:00 PM Camera pans across a street crowded with restaurants, drunk people, and a few families. A couple is walking holding hands and dressed like Santa and Mrs Claus. A homeless man is dragging himself through the sidewalk wearing only shorts, a leather vest and a pirate hat on this cold afternoon. Camera stops at a building under construction and turns around. It flies over a few cars zooming down the street and goes straight to a street sign labeled St. Louis Pl. Pans down the street, an older woman walking her dog one way and another women walking her dog another way. There are two neighbors on different sides of the street acting like they don't notice one another because they don't want to make small talk. Kevin is having 5 of his friends over for a sleepover party, and they are playing a Nerf war outside.]
KEVIN. [gathering people around] We're going to play a hide and seek game with 2 zombies and everyone else is human. The zombies get two Nerf guns and if they tag or shoot a human, the human becomes a zombie. If a human shoots a zombie the zombie has to stand still for ten seconds and then they can chase the humans again. But one rule do not go in the alleyway.

NICO. Why not the alleyway
KEVIN. My parents told me that a creepy guy lives over there and not to go there in the day and especially not in the night.
MATTHEW. Alright we won’t go in the alleyway, now who's going to be zombies and humans?
KEVIN. Does anyone want to be a zombie?
[one person! Tyler raises his hand but then he puts it back down seeing that no one else wants to.]
NICO. I will be a zombie if nobody else wants to.
TYLER. Okay then I will too.
[they hand out the Nerf guns to everyone and the humans run away as the zombies count to thirty]
TYLER. [to nico] Lets split up. You go around that way, and I’ll go this way.
TYLER. [to himself while walking his way. it’s now dark outside.] This is kind of creepy.
[camera shows kevin, matthew and remy hiding when they hear a kids scream zoom out and then shot to tyler looking behind him to where he heard the scream, and sees that Nico is nowhere to be seen]
KEVIN. Come on guys lets see what that scream was.
[they leave their hiding spot and start walking down the street. They still don't want to be turned into a zombie so they are sneaking around and hiding behind cars when they think they see nico or Tyler.]
TYLER. [walking down the street confused, calling Nico's name] Nico, Nico, where are you?!!
[Kevin, Matthew and Carlos hear nico's confused yelling and run down to ask him what's going on?]
CARLOS. [to Tyler] Why are you yelling Nico's name?
[Carlos is the only one out there with his nerf gun ready because they think Tyler might be trying to trick them, so Kevin and Carlos are hiding behind a car with their nerf guns ready]
TYLER. [a little unnerved] Have you guys seen Nico he was just about 20 feet away from me and when I heard the scream I looked behind me and Nico wasn’t there.
MATTHEW. [coming out from behind the car with Kevin] That did kind of sound like Nico’s scream.
TYLER. What do you think happened to him.
KEVIN. You don’t think he went in the alleyway.
MATTHEW. I hope not.
CARLOS. How about instead of looking in the alleyway first we avoid the alleyway and we look around the street. Let’s split up, me and Kevin and Matthew and Tyler.
KEVIN. We’ll go towards my house and you guys can go the other way to look for nico.
[camera goes to a birds eye view of the two groups walking away from each other calling Carlos’s name. make it a point that Matthew and Tylers group are yelling louder and actually sound worried but Kevins group doesn’t seem that worried]
[camera then goes down to Kevin and Carlos. Kevin whispers something in his ear they look at eachother and then Carlos says 123 go. shot cuts to Tyler and Matthew walking and calling nicos name.]
[they hear another scream and turn around to see that Kevin and Carlos are gone]
TYLER. [yelling] You guys this isn’t funny anymore you’re really creeping me out!
MATTHEW. [not as sincere] Yeah you guys this is hard.
MATTHEW. You want to split up to look for them?
TYLER. [nervously but angry] NO!! I am not splitting up with anyone else the last two times I’ve split up with anybody they’ve disappeared with a scream. We will go together and look for them, but what I don’t understand is this street doesn’t have that many hiding places and I’ve looked in every nook and cranny for nico and have not found him.
[camera goes to a birdseye view of them on the street showing Matthew and then Tyler stop right beside the alleyway.]
MATTHEW. There is one place we haven’t looked.
TYLER. [frightened] You don’t mean?
MATTHEW. [dramatically] The Alleyway.
TYLER. Well lets hope not, we’ll look everywhere before we try the alleyway.
MATTHEW. But first I have to pee i’ll just go behind the tree next to the alleyway.
TYLER. Alright I’ll look farther down while you pee.
[Camera follows Tyler and then a scream happens tyler runs back to where Matthew was peeing. he’s not behind the tree and tyler gets scared]
TYLER. I’m going to go into the alleyway you guys, and if you aren’t playing a trick on me you won’t come out and stop me.
[camera flips to Kevin, Nico, Carlos, and Matthew in Kevins house watching TV]
CARLOS. Nico, that was a good idea to play sardines in the house except not to tell Tyler and slowly leave with a scream. He must be so scared right now, what do you think he’s doing?
NICO. Dunno, but if I know Tyler he does some stupid stuff when he’s scared.
[camera has a split screen with Tyler slowly moving into the alleyway on one side and the four kids sitting on the couch watching TV. The kids are laughing at the tv show as Tyler walks into the middle of the alleyway and suddenly gets grabbed. He lets out a scream and the camera goes black.]
[the next scene is a newswoman with a breaking news banner under her.]
NEWSWOMAN. A kid named Tyler Evans was found dead in an alleyway on St.Louis Pl. He was apparently at a sleepover party with his friends and I’m getting word now that his heart and other vital organs were eaten by a hungry homeless man high on Bath salts.

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