Sisters Forever | Teen Ink

Sisters Forever

November 30, 2015
By Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are foot prints on the moon"

Scene 1
Scene should not be performed with any lines. Hospital room. The heart monitor is going at a normal pace. A bed is set up stage right along with a heart monitor and an IV bag. We see TAYLOR in the bed. KATIE enters stage left wearing a white shirt and black pants. She is carrying a bouquet of flowers. The heart monitor starts to slow down, slightly and continues to do so for the rest of the scene until it fades out. KATIE goes over to the bed and places the flowers on TAYLOR’S feet and exits stage left. Lights out.
Scene 2
KATIE is home alone and about to take her medication. It is night time, and she is first seen making a pot of tea on the stove at the back of the stage and turns on the stove. She is starting getting her medicine from the cabinet stage left. There is also a refrigerator by the stove and a table with three different chairs stage right. When KATIE reaches for the cabinet, TAYLOR walks in.
TAYLOR: Guess who is here?!
[Katie gets excited and goes over to hug her sister.]
KATIE: Omigod! Taylor!
I can’t believe you are here! I missed you so much!
[TAYLOR lets go.]
TAYLOR: I knew you’d miss me. I’m miss-able.
[They both laugh and KATIE hits her on the shoulder playfully. TAYLOR responds jokingly]
Hey! Where is your Hospitality, young lady?
KATIE: Consider it my welcoming gift. And young?! Did you forget that we are twins? We are the same age!
TAYLOR: Um. Excuse me? I am 15 minutes older.
KATIE: and not ever letting that down.
TAYLOR: Honey, the day I let that down is the day you can call me dead.
[TAYLOR laughs, but KATIE doesn’t]
Relax, Sis. I’m never leaving your side. Even if you wanted to get rid of me, you couldn’t.
[KATIE brightens up]
KATIE: What have you been up to lately?
TAYLOR: Oh, you know, just the norm. What every other 19 year old girl is totally not doing! What about you?
KATIE: Ya know, the same. Just living here in this crappy apartment. At least it a house! And not the worst one I’ve lived in. Being a secretary pays the bills. Especially for someone with barely any college education. They say that getting a job without a degree is hard, but I found mine right away! Maybe it was luck or something but… here I am!
TAYLOR: That’s great! And how are you doing?
KATIE: I’m… I’m fine. Better.
TAYLOR: That’s good. Really good.
[Awkward silence between the two.]
KATIE: Well…
TAYLOR: Well what?
KATIE: Aren’t you going to tell me why you are in town? You don’t just stop by for nothing!
[This time KATIE laughs, but TAYLOR doesn’t]
TAYLOR: I, uh, well…
KATIE: Spit it out, Tay!
[She laughs again]
TAYLOR: I heard that you were having some trouble… again.
[KATIE stops laughing and turns her back on TAYLOR, going towards the table and flattening out the table cloth and straightening the chairs]

KATIE: Who told you?
TAYLOR: Well… No one, I guess. No one ever talks to me anymore-
[KATIE turns to face her, offended.]
KATIE: I talk to you!
TAYLOR: Yes. And I appreciate that. But I just felt that something… that something was wrong.
KATIE: Well you thought wrong.
[TAYLOR goes over to KATIE and puts her hand on hers]
[KATIE takes her hand away and faces TAYLOR]
KATIE: Yes! Yes you are! I’m fine, I said I was fine and I mean that I am fine. Stop trying to read between the lines that aren’t there! Okay?
TAYLOR: I know you are having problems with your medication. You’re addicted. You have a problem.
KATIE: I do not have a problem! I am not addicted to my medicine. It makes me feel better, happier! That’s what the doctor’s said it would do and it does! They just didn’t give me a high enough prescription and if I take more than I feel better. Is that so wrong?! Can I not feel better?! What kind of sister are you if you say that I don’t deserve happiness!
TAYLOR: No! That’s not what I am saying at all, Katie! But you need help! You need to talk to someone. Anyone.
KATIE: There is no one I trust that believes me!
TAYLOR: Trust me! Tell me! Katie…
[TAYLOR takes KATIE’S hand in hers, this time, KATIE takes it. They both sit down at the table]
Trust me.
[KATIE nods.]
Why are you so sad?
KATIE: You know why…
TAYLOR: I want you to tell me. I don’t think you have ever said them out loud.
[KATIE takes a deep breath and pauses.]
KATIE: Because my sister left me. She is gone. My twin is dead.
TAYLOR: Only my body is dead. I am still here, aren’t I? Look, you can touch me, see me, and hear me. I am with you, Katie. It’s been three years since I have died. You are 19 years old. You should be going out and having fun. Meeting boys. Going to college.
KATIE: But how can I cope with the death of my best friend?
TAYLOR: But I’m not dead.
KATIE: Yes you are! I went to the funerals. I got all the flowers. I saw you die! Taylor. You are dead. And I can’t give you up. You are all that I ever had. All that I will ever had. How can I give you up?
[KATIE leans into TAYLOR’S chest and begins to sob. TAYLOR gentle rubs her hair]
TAYLOR: You can join me.
[KATIE looks up, confused.]
KATIE: What?
TAYLOR: Join me. I don’t feel pain. You won’t either. We can be together. Forever…
[KATIE stands up and she backs away from TAYLOR]
[TAYLOR stands up and goes towards KATIE and scoffs.]
TAYLOR: Do you not love me? If you don’t do it, you don’t love me.
KATIE: If you did love me, you wouldn’t want me to do it.
TAYLOR: I don’t.
KATIE: What?
[TAYLOR steps closer to KATIE]
TAYLOR: Love you.
KATIE: What do you mean?
TAYLOR: I don’t love you. Wow. You are really stupid aren’t you? No wonder mom always told me I was the smarter one. I always was the prettier one, too. You really had nothing going for you, did you?
KATIE: Of course you love me!
[TAYLOR is face to face with KATIE now]
TAYLOR: How could anyone love their killer?
[TAYLOR steps back. KATIE looks very confused.]
KATIE: Wha-What do you-
TAYLOR: You. Killed. Me. Read my lips. You killed me. You did this to me. You wanted me to die, didn’t you? So that’s why you did it.
KATIE: I don’t know what you are talking about! Stop it!
TAYLOR: You don’t?
[KATIE crunches down on the ground]
Wow. You really don’t. I guess poor mommy and daddy didn’t want to break your heart- well. Break you anymore than you already were.
[TAYLOR crunches next to KATIE]
You. If you weren’t born, I would have never died. You see, apparently, there is this thing that you developed in the womb. You, you ah- you sucked my immune system right out of me. Only left me so much to live on for my life. Eventually, I ran out. While you stayed strong, I was weak. All because you decided to try to kill me in the womb, just to have all the health for yourself. You were selfish even then.
[TAYLOR pushes her to the floor completely and gets up]
So you see, without you, I would have lived. But it was you. You and your stupid not so innocent baby self. And that torture was only the beginning. Living with you is a nightmare. You are so worthless and pathetic. How pathetic? So pathetic that mom and dad won’t even talk to you anymore because you are so crazy.
[KATIE puts her hands over her ears and TAYLOR yells louder]
So mental that all you do in your spare time is talk to your dead sister! I’m your only friend. And even I hate you.
KATIE: STOP! Ghosts don’t exist. Ghosts don’t exist. Ghosts don’t exist.
TAYLOR: I’m no ghost honey. I’m your worst nightmare. God you are so crazy
[Tea pot screams]
TAYLOR: and insignificant, unimportant, ridiculous, disgraceful, brainless, heartless-
[Everything is silent]
TAYLOR: Just kill yourself.
KATIE: I’m sorry
TAYLOR: A life for a life.
[KATIE gets up to go to the counter above her head. She grabs the pill bottle and struggles to open it]
That’s not going to help you. It’s actually amazing that you think that your stupid little pills are going to solve all your problems. Are you trying to get rid of me? Oh, wow. You are so stupid. Stupid, stupid, Katie. You think that what you are doing is going to make me go away. I am never going away, Kate.
[KATIE is able to open up the bottle, TAYLOR smacks it out of her hand. Pills fly everywhere. KATIE falls to the floor and tries to pick them up. TAYLOR gradually gets louder through the next lines.]
Never. God. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. KILL YOURSELF. KILL YOURSELF! KILLYOURSELF!!
[KATIE has picked up a handful of pills.]
[KATIE throws all the pills into her mouth. Lights out]
Scene 3
Scene should not be performed with any lines. Hospital room. The heart monitor is going at a normal pace. A bed is set up stage right along with a heart monitor and an IV bag. We see KATIE in the bed with a bouquet of flowers at her feet. TAYLOR enters stage left wearing a red shirt and black pants. The heart monitor starts to speed up slightly and continues to do so for the rest of the scene. TAYLOR goes over to the bed and takes the flowers off KATIE’S feet and starts to exits stage left. The heart monitor flat lines.TAYLOR stops, looks back, and laughs, swinging the flowers carelessly by her side as she continues to exit. Lights out.

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This article has 1 comment.

#mani said...
on Dec. 22 2015 at 10:40 am
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
that was really good i loved the twist just amazing xD