The Ice | Teen Ink

The Ice

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

The Ice

Narrator: In a little town called Norberg, England there was a royal family that lived in a castle on top of the tallest hill in the land.  In the castle lived the King and Queen, Tony and Stacie.  Along with them lived Henry and their two children, Maggie and Lucas.  Maggie was the younger of the two children, at age 16.  She was a strong, independent, and caring girl who didn’t need a man in her life, and didn’t really like her role of the princess.  She just wanted to be a normal girl, and not be known as “the princess” by everyone.  Lucas was the older sibling, at age 18.  He was the polar opposite of Maggie.  Lucas was a stuck up kid, and he depended on his parents to supply him with all his needs and wants.  If there wasn’t someone to take care of him, he couldn’t survive.  Tony was loved by all of the people in Norberg.  He was a great king and was fair to all of the people.  His wife, on the other hand, was not liked by the people, but for some reason he liked her, and she was the mother of his kids, so he stayed with her.  Henry was the royal family’s servant, so he did all of the cleaning and cooking.  He lived in the house since he was a little kid.  He was 17 when this happened.  He had always adored the princess, but she’d never seen him as anything other than their servant.  But her being the girl she was, she had always been nice to him.  This story starts out on December 30, 1956 with the princess being woken up by her dad. 
King: Maggie! It’s 8:00! It’s time to get up! Today is a big day, you know that.  You should have been up a long time ago. 
Maggie: (groaning and pulling the blankets back over her head). But Dad, I don’t want to get up, yet.  It’s way too early. 
King: Come on Maggie.  If you don’t get up right now your mother will get crabby, and nobody wants that. 
Maggie: (getting out of bed). Okay Dad, you’re right.  I’ll get up now. 
Queen: (yelling). Maggie! Lucas! Breakfast is ready! Come and eat!
Narrator: All of the family members are now sitting at the table eating breakfast that Henry brought them.  Maggie and Lucas are still in their pajamas. 
Queen: Maggie, are you excited for your figure skating competition today?
Maggie: (confidently).  Yes I am, Mom! I’m ready to knock all of the other skaters off the ice with my amazing skating routine!
King: I have no doubts that you’ll do great, honey.
Lucas: (laughing).  I hope you fall through the ice! That’d be hilarious!
Maggie: No it would not Lucas.  That’d be really scary, but whatever, think what you want.  It’s okay. 
Queen: Alright you two, it’s time to start getting ready for the day.  Go shower and get dressed.  Maggie, let me know when you’re ready for me to do your hair and makeup. 
Maggie: (rolling her eyes).  Yes mom, I know.  We’ve been through this enough times.  We both know how this works. 
Narrator: Maggie is now showered and alone up in her room getting ready for her competition.  She is talking to herself. 
Maggie: I’m so nervous for this competition.  Everyone is going to be there watching me.  What if I mess up?  What if the “King’s perfect daughter” messes something up?  I can’t handle this image much longer, it’s too stressful.  I just want to be a normal girl, and do what I love without having to be perfect all the time.  Should I wear the blue costume or the pink one?  Which one would Mother like better? Most likely the pink one, so the pink one it is.  She’d probably think the blue one isn’t girly or “pincessy” enough, but whatever she wants goes, even if it’s not what I want.  Alright, I’m ready for Mother to do my hair and makeup now. 
Narrator: Maggie walks down the stairs wearing her sparkly, pink costume.  She found her Mother in the living room with all of her supplies out and ready to do her hair and makeup for the competition. 
Queen: Come here, Maggie.  We have to put some makeup on that face of yours.
Maggie: Okay, Mother.  I’m coming. 
Queen: We should start with the concealer to cover up all of those dark spots.  Then the foundation, powder, and blush come next.  After that comes a thick, dark line of liquid eyeliner, and just the right amount of eyeshadow and mascara.  I have to make sure you represent the family name well, so my perfect little princess looks flawless.  Go look in the mirror and tell me what you think. 
Narrator: Maggie walks over to the mirror to see how she looks.  She looks in the mirror and feels like Barbie with all of the makeup. 
Maggie: Mother, I don’t look like myself with all of this makeup.  I’m 16 years old, and you made me look like I’m 25. 
Queen: I know Maggie.  That’s the point.  There can’t be any imperfections on you while you’re representing the family name.  Now let’s get your hair done. 
Narrator: The whole royal family, Henry, and everyone in the town for that matter, is now at the pond where the competition will be taking place.  Maggie is up next to compete.  She’s standing on the side of the ice looking very nervous. 
Queen: Good luck, Maggie!
King: You’ll do great!
Lucas: Go out there and kick some figure skater butt!
Maggie: Thanks guys!  Some moral support is much needed!
Narrator: Maggie is now on the ice doing her routine.  Everything looks perfect.  The next big skill she has to do is an axle jump.  She does it perfectly and lands solidly.  Then, she heard a crack in the ice.  First her leg went through, then her whole body.  The whole audience was shocked.  They just stood there because they didn’t know what to do.  They were all expecting someone else to do something about the situation, except for Henry. 
Henry: (running toward the water).  Maggie! Why are you all just standing there?  We have to go help her!
Narrator: He dove into the water to help her with no hesitation.  Everyone waited and waited for him to come out of the water with her in his arms, but he never did.  They both drowned at the bottom of that pond.  The whole town was devastated from the loss of their perfect little princess.  Nobody ever remembered the great thing that Henry tried to do.  They just hated him for failing  to save the princess. 

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