The quest for Exact Values | Teen Ink

The quest for Exact Values

December 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Exact value project Script:

(setting: in classroom)

Teacher:  (camera zoomed in and slowly zooms out. Teacher walks through desks while handing out tests back) Good morning. I'm going to hand back your exact value test and let's just say that the results were pretty interesting.
(Camera switches to over the shoulder shot of  our protagonist looking at his test that he failed. Scene then cuts to same student walking into classroom)

Student: Good morning. I wanted to know if I could have some help with my exact values.

Teacher: sure. Just set your stuff down over there and take a seat.

(Scene switches to student seated looking in textbook and finds a map which he then proceeds to pocket it and decides to leave to figure out the map)

Student:  I think I got these now. Thank you.

Teacher: Anytime, be sure to study.

(Student leaves class and walks out then begins to talk to one of his friends about the map.)

Student:  Aaron! check this out

Aaron: it looks like a map, where did you find it.

Student (named Jacob): in ms Milligans teacher text book.

(cuts to intro playing indiana jones theme with a world map moving along with clouds in foreground and a red line moving. Text appears with movie title)

Setting: outside of cave (someone's front yard)

Jones: There it is... the idol of exact values. (looks at tentatively)

Jones: It looks like it weighs about hmm…. (ponders a thought and trails off then fills a bad with some sand)
(Looks at idol and prepares to make swap, Satipo looks at in gazing awe and greed)
(swaps idol with bag and looks confident then loud grumble sounds and they begin to run.)

Jones:  Run!
(Jones loses sight of Satipo. Satipo runs off camera, camera doesn't follow and blade sound then thud sound happens leaving it to imagination)

(rumble gets louder and Jones looks back then runs some more breaking through cobwebs while
the idol sparks, teleporting him midair to the Matrix)



(main character has switched clothes to match that of Neo from the matrix. he stands up and there is agent Smith behind him)

Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson (classic iconic line LOL)  , might it be appropriate to ponder the question of why you are here? Here back in our world made to trick the minds of humans. ( Neo still has back facing agent smith)

Neo: I came here… to learn the exact values. I must be able to unlock the knowledge that shows me that the cos of 30° is ?3/2 and that the tan 60° is ?3.

Agent Smith: Well Mr. Anderson, (With a slight laugh)  you have come to the wrong place. I won't make the same mistake as last time.(Neo turns around slowly)   Goodbye Mr. Anderson.
(3D Bullet time effect with camera rotation around Smith's gun while neo does his bullet dodge lean in slow mo) (Neo does some maneuver to kick the gun out of Agent Smiths hand [JAKE EXPLAIN IN MARTIAL ARTS TERMS :3  ])(BRH I GOT YOU)

*fight sequence initiates*
Neo does spinning heel kick and knocks the gun out of the agent’s hand.  Agent throws jab, neo knocks it aside, etc (we’ll work out the details, i have a thing in mind ;))

While fighting, Agent Smith is calling out different exact value terms while on the attacking side, and while blocking Neo is saying the value (so each punch/kick is a sin, cos, tan, and every block Neo does is the exact value of that term, root 3, negative root two over two, ect)

Neo eventually gets the upper hand and connects with a BRUTAL punch, Agent Smith is now on the ground. (Agent Smith asks how he could possible have known all the values so quickly, Neo says maybe the hand thing and some corny line about absolute values and having mastered them in this dimension, and finishes Agent Smith with a kick (COULD Be like kicking the camera, i can create a static effect like a tv shutting off I believe))

(Neo looks up and the camera is focused on Neo then it switches focus to the background behind neo with morpheus looking over at Neo.)

Morpheus: I noticed that your skill is superior. (Neo turns around slowly) Why are you here Thomas Anderson?

Neo: I am here to master the technique of using exact values.

Morpheus: (with a smirk) Well, (camera zooms in to about portrait) do you know your exact values?

Neo: (camera same zoomed) I do

Morpheus: (camera zooms quick upon him saying said line) Show me. (When zooms out, in dojo like area. Kung Fu Fight scene like the movie commences [Exact value phrases continue much like with agent smith but this time Morpheus beats the “absolute values” out of neo until neo starts getting better at his exact values and he gets quicker at them]. Putting Jake in charge of fight scenes Oh goodness okay ;))

(Agent Smith comes back and destroys the idol. Neo now believes that he won't be able to use exact values to fight. Neo and Morpheus fight Agent smith and agent smith the second. (Digital editing to put a person in 2 places at once :P)

(Once fight scenes end)

Morpheus: Well Neo, you have learned an art of great importance. This art must be cherished and embraced. Once we get out of here, your knowledge will be tested greatly.

Neo: But what about the idol that I obtained from one of the parallel universes in the Matrix. Without it, I will not be able to remember my exact values.

Morpheus: Oh but neo, the idol itself is a means of trickery used to deceive the mind into thinking that these values are unobtainable without it. But we must go now and test your knowledge. (both break into a sprint) (Yells) CYPHER [cypher is the guy behind the computers] get us out of here! (neo runs over to a wall phone or corded one and picks it up and right when he puts it to his ear the frame cuts a classroom where the protagonist is sitting at a desk working on an exact values test.

(Paper has exact values printed on it and stuff. protagonist makes facial expressions in slight disgust at the task at hand but he then remembers and sees visions of the fight scenes. begins to solve the problems with haste)

Scene switches to audience interactive slides where we ask exact values questions and have audience answer them on a timer. (Meaning they have a certain amount of time before it's revealed and another one pops up.)

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