New Friend, New Future | Teen Ink

New Friend, New Future

January 18, 2016
By Anonymous

MONICA: Teenaged girl from Texas.
BRAD: Teenaged boy from North Carolina

They accidentally bump into each other during a college tour. Both touring the University of Georgia. Very sarcastic towards each other, but in a humorous way. There would be a backdrop of the University of Georgia in the background. There is a bench in front of the backdrop to make it look more realistic. There would also be other actors surrounding the two characters (Monica and Brad) so it looks more like a college tour.

New Friend, New Future

MONICA: Oh gosh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you like that.
BRAD: Like that? You mean you meant to?
MONICA: No. Wait. I meant I didn’t mean to at all!
BRAD: It’s alright, it’s alright. I’m just messing with you.
MONICA: Oh, ok.
BRAD: I’m Brad and you are?
MONICA: Monica.
BRAD: Well hello, Monica. What brings you here?
MONICA: College touring, trying out different places. yourself?
BRAD: Same.
MONICA: Anything you have in mind to major in, in the good ol’ University of Georgia?
BRAD: I was thinking of just business.
MONICA: Oh, that’s nice. I’m interesting in psychology.
BRAD: Wow. Over achiever, ay?
MONICA: (Giggles) I find it intriguing.
BRAD: What about it intrigues you, may I ask?
MONICA: It’s just really interesting. You can learn so much more about yourself and other people.
BRAD: Well, I wish you the best of luck.
MONICA: Thanks!
BRAD: So where did a smart girl like you come from with that kind of accent?
MONICA: Texas.
BRAD: Are you some kind of cowgirl then?
MONICA: Y'all don’t even know.
BRAD: (Chuckling)
MONICA: As for you? That’s definitely not a Texas nor Wisconsin accent.
BRAD: North Carolina. Home of the sweet potato!
MONICA: Sweet potato, yeah?
BRAD: You know it!
MONICA: As long as everything’s big, especially your hair, you’ll fit right into Texas!
BRAD: Sounds good.
MONICA: Are you hungry? We can grab some lunch after our tours.
BRAD: Starving actually, but yes, sounds great!
MONICA: Maybe we should figure out where we are first. I have no clue what restaurants are even around here.
BRAD: Good idea.
(Takes out his campus map)
Looks like there’s an Applebee's around the corner. Does that sound good to you?
MONICA: Sounds delicious!
(Walks away together to finish tour.)

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