Museum | Teen Ink


May 4, 2016
By nmprz BRONZE, Wexford , Pennsylvania
nmprz BRONZE, Wexford , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


[AT THE RISE, JAMES in bed.  FELIX is standing by his bedside]
JAMES: Wha-? Where am I?
FELIX: Good morning, JAMES.  I’ve much to tell you.
JAMES: “JAMES”? Is that my name?
FELIX: Yes.  You are JAMES.
JAMES: Who-who are you?
FELIX: I am FELIX.  I am your personal robotic assistant. 
JAMES: Wait, you’re not a human?  You’re like...artificial intelligence?
FELIX: Exactly right, JAMES.  You’re catching on quickly.  Now, I assume, you wish to know why I am here.
JAMES: Um, yeah.  That’s about right. 
FELIX: As you can probably remember from when you were last awake, the world was engulfed in nuclear war.  Millions died.  But some, like yourself, were fortunate enough to be saved and transported to secure bunkers, as a part of the Fresh Start Initiative.  You were each assigned a robotic companion, to assist you in daily life and to acquire food and supplies.
JAMES: Oh.  So, how long was I out for? 
FELIX: You have been unconscious for the past four months.
JAMES: Wow...four months...this is a lot to take in.  I need to process all this.
FELIX:  I understand your situation, JAMES.  I will leave now to acquire food from another bunker.  I will be gone for several hours.  You are free to explore the bunker and make use of any appliances you find interesting. 
JAMES: Cool.  I’ll go check it out.
End Scene 1 – Begin Scene 2
(JAMES stretches his arms and gets out of bed.  He walks out of his room and into a sleek, modern living room/kitchen.  It is furnished with dark bamboo floors, a leather couch, a seventy-inch television, and stainless-steel kitchen appliances.)
JAMES: Wow.  This place is pretty fancy.  Really spared no expense here. (He plops down on the couch and turns on the TV, finding it equipped with Netflix and cable.)
JAMES: Nice.  (For the next several hours, he watches television, until FELIX returns)
FELIX: Hello, JAMES.  What do you opine of your new habitat?
JAMES: Um...opine...yeah it’s great!  This place is awesome.  I’ve never lived anywhere as nice in my life.
FELIX: I am happy to hear that this dwelling pleases you, James.
JAMES: Yeah, this place is great.  But when do you think it it’ll be safe to go out?
FELIX: I have no specifics regarding timeframe, JAMES.  I am told by reliable sources that it should be relatively soon, though.
JAMES: Huh.  (He turns his attention to the TV.  FELIX sits down on the other side of the couch.)
End Scene 2– Begin Scene 3
(JAMES wakes up and walks out to the living room, finding FELIX putting away the dishes.)
JAMES: Hey, FELIX, whatcha doing?
FELIX: Good morning, JAMES.  I hope your sleep was satisfactory.  I am currently putting away the dishes.
JAMES: Sounds like a blast.  Hey, FELIX, would you be able to help me out with something?  I haven’t been able to find a clock or calendar anywhe- (FELIX cuts off James)
FELIX: My sincerest apologies, JAMES.  I have been instructed to ignore requests regarding instruments of time.  Initiating safeguard mode.  Powering down.  (FELIX sits down in the living room chair and closes his eyes.
JAMES: Wha-what the heck?  FELIX.  FELIX!  (James sighs.)  I guess I’ll just go make a sandwich.  (JAMES opens the fridge. Curtains close as we transition to a new scene)
End Scene 3 – Begin Scene 4
(JAMES is seen shaving.  His beard is now half-filled with gray hairs, and his eyes look weary.  He has clearly aged several years.  He enters the living room to find FELIX putting away the dishes.
FELIX: Good morning, JAMES.  I hope your sleep was satisfactory.  I am currently-
JAMES: (In FELIX’s robotic tone of voice) putting away the dishes.  Every morning.  Putting away the dishes.  Every day.  (JAMES takes a soda out of the refrigerator.  He takes two large gulps, then drops the open can on the floor, letting the remainder of the soda spill.)
JAMES: Wanna clean that up?
FELIX: Of course, JAMES.  I am your assistant.
JAMES: Yeah.
FELIX: You seem perturbed, JAMES.  Perhaps a hot shower would make you feel better. 
JAMES: You know what would make me feel better?  Getting out of this hellhole and back into civilization.  I haven’t seen the sun for...years, FELIX! 
FELIX: JAMES, as I have said before, the radiation levels outside this bunker are still too high to be safe for human life. 
JAMES: I’d rather die than spend another day in here.  I’m gonna go get a shower.  (He gets off the couch.  While walking to the bathroom, he looks at FELIX and spits on the floor.)
FELIX: I will clean that up promptly, JAMES.
(Once the shower can be heard, FELIX picks up the phone.)
FELIX: Prepare another shipment.  This one has almost reached its expiration.
(FELIX hangs up the phone)
FELIX: (yelling) JAMES, I am going to the food supply warehouse.
(FELIX leaves through the airlock.  Several minutes later, JAMES exits the bathroom.)
JAMES: He’s gone.  I don’t have much time.  I have to get out of here.  (He grabs a large pan from the kitchen and begins beating on the airlock door with it.  The handle breaks after several strikes.)
End Scene 4 – Begin Scene 5
JAMES: Wow.  That was easier than I expected.  (He goes through the airlock.  Outside, are groups of human-like creatures.  They have human features, but they are very tall and have long arms and legs.  There is a sign that reads, “HOW HUMANS LIVED IN 2016.” JAMES stares at the people.) 
JAMES: What?  Who are all these...these...people? 
(FELIX walks out of the crowd and stands in front of JAMES)
FELIX: These are the Viewers.  They come to see how their kind used to live. 
JAMES: Their kind? Wait, what year is it?  How long have I been in that house? Why-
End Scene 5 – Begin Scene 6
(FELIX can be seen washing blood off his hands. Looking into the mirror, he begins practicing.)
FELIX: Good morning, JAMES.  I’ve much to tell you.

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