How do we know if we are born? | Teen Ink

How do we know if we are born?

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

(1 and 2 are sitting on the edge of a dock.  Their legs hang off the edge. A rope ladder hangs between them.They sit in silence for a while before 1 speaks.)

1: How do we know if we are born?
2: (quiet for a moment) Well, it’s all we ever know. We live our whole lives being born.  Our birth isn’t even a question. You know birth every day as you breathe and sleep and wake back up. We know birth even as we see death looming in the distance. You’ve never died, have you?
1: (confused) Not that I know of.
2: Of course. You may have seen death for a minute- you may have swam to the bottom of a...lake, (2 pauses and looks at the water. He kicks it and it splashes.) and felt your breath flee you for a minute, but you always came back up alive. Right?
1: Right.
2: But you’ve never known death. You’ve never seen the lights turn off forever. Sure, you weren’t alive for millions of years. You won’t be alive for millions of years, once you die. But you don’t know when the curtain drops. We know we’re born and we’re born every day when we wake up. But we’ll never know death.
(2 pauses for another moment and begins to undress. They peel their shirt off, and kick off their jeans. They climb down the rope ladder from the edge of the dock and push themselves away into the water, floating on their back. 1 looks at them in bewilderment.)
1: What are you doing??
(2 has closed their eyes and speaks stoically to 1.)
2: Take that ladder up for me, will you? I want to try something new.

(1 and 2 freeze- the lights dim, almost to darkness, but not completely- stay that way for a moment, and then go completely black)

The author's comments:

i hate creative writing 

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