The House | Teen Ink

The House

August 21, 2018
By MasonDeVoss BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
MasonDeVoss BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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It was August 10th, 2018 (8/10/18) 8:00 P.M. I walked into the old somber abandoned house, the doorway was breaking in the middle so you had to duck when you go in. I look around the dark and cold room. I can’t see anything but the massive set of old wooden stairs. I take one step onto the stairs and my foot goes straight through them.  I wonder how old these stairs are…  I carefully put my foot on the stairs trying not to go through them, as I get up to the last stair, I hear a loud cracking sound, so I carefully walk to the top of the staircase. I stand there clueless about what’s going to happen. I hear the creak again but louder! “IT’S UNDER ME!” I yell. Then my friend Peyton walks in and says “What is?” I just ignore that question in embarrassment. Peyton starts walking towards the stairs. I yell at him to be careful because the stairs are antique and breaking. Peyton thanks me because he would’ve gone through. Peyton makes it to the top of the stairs and he hears the creak too. We both stand in fear of not knowing what is going to happen. The creak gets louder and louder and louder until…

Oh no… The floor was breaking beneath us. We are still standing still wondering what’s going to happen. Then the floor below us becomes a gaping hole swallowing us into the secret dungeon under the house. Peyton yells out “Well here goes my weekend.” I just look at him with the most serious face I can. “Really….. It’s only Thursday.” I say laughing as I’m saying it. Peyton looks up at the stairs that we fell through. He says out-loud “Mason, LOOK UP!” So I do and the staircase slowly turns to darkness as the floor repairs itself. Peyton starts to freak out and hyperventilate, so I slap him to knock some sense into him. Or what I hope was Peyton… Peyton yells in pain, And he says “Dude, why did you slap me?” I’m not scared of anything!” As he says that we hear a loud, dark, deep growl. As we hear that Peyton’s face looks like someone just sucked the red out of his face with a syringe. Peyton says with all of his might. “I might be afraid of something” I start laughing because of his reaction. Peyton pulls out a flashlight that he always carries around with him. I always thought it was stupid until this moment. We didn’t say anything to each other, we just kept walking trying to find our way out of the sinister dungeon. Peyton finds a doorway that looked like it was for a toddler. Peyton kneeled down to try to look inside the room but instead, he kneeled straight down in a puddle of blood. He noticed the blood when he got up. He said, “Hey Mason Point that flashlight at me real quick.” He said sounded like he was panicking so I pointed it at him and I step back in fear because he is covered in blood. We both look at the blood and we both noticed that it was fresh so we were wondering what could have caused the blood because we both have seen anything else, we only heard things but not seen them. We ignore the blood and keep walking looking for an exit. About forty-five minutes later I see a bright light coming from the wall so we walk towards it, as we get closer the light goes away. After more walking the light completely disappeared and we heard nothing but metal grinding so we freak out and run the other direction. About an hour later Peyton finds an exit but you have to be able to climb and swim, aaaaannnnddd also expect the unexpected. As we are climbing Peyton starts slipping and falling so he says “Mason help me get up there!” So I agree to help him get up and when we both get up to the top, we look around and realise we have to swim through this dirty, murky brown water (Muddy Water) so we start our adventure and swim across the water which must be 15 feet deep because I got stuck on a vine and almost drowned and I couldn’t feel a floor anywhere so I pulled out my pocket knife and cut the vine saving my life and probably many lives years to come. I warn Peyton about the vines and how deep it is. He ignores me and says he won’t get stuck. He needs to stop talking because of what happened, HE GOT STUCK. I pulled my knife back out and cut the vine in half letting him free. We get done swimming then we realize we are at the front of the house… we turn back quickly to try to find our neighborhood. We have been walking for about 20 minutes then we finally see the edge of our neighborhood. The bad thing is that we both have never been to this part of the neighborhood so we are completely lost. We run up to houses asking for directions but they see we are all muddy from the water we swam in so most of them shut the door on us in fear. As we are walking around the neighborhood we find this house that looks creepy and suspicious. But we go knock on the door anyway, as we are walking up the steps, the front door opens up slowly with a creaking sound. I and Peyton both look at each other and say “NOPE!” and we walk away from the house. As we continue down the road, this one family, in particular, look familiar. But they aren’t my parents… but they look like them. I go up to the house and ask for directions. When we give them the address they look up in the sky and say “Man, we used to live in that house.” That got me thinking… They look familiar say they used to live in that house. I brush it off and ask what happened with the home when they lived in it. They say “We lived in that house for 13 years until our son disappeared.” I ask what the name of there kid was and they responded with “Mason” my name… I am very confused at this point and so is Peyton. They ask what our names were. I start tearing up and before I answer I ask. “When did your son disappear?” They say “August 10, 2018” the day I and Peyton left to the adventure that house. I start sobbing by then and I ask one more question. “What year is it” They look at me and Peyton in a confused look and say “2022” I start sobbing and say “My name is Mason and me and Peyton went to go adventure this house on… well August 10th, 2018… The mom stands up and starts crying and says “If your really Mason… then what’s your last name?” I reply with “DeVoss” The word that makes both of the parent's jaw drop. They start crying and hugging me, making sure I’m okay. I tell them that we have to get Peyton to his parent's house so he doesn’t get lost. So my mom drives us to Peyton’s house and drops him off. As soon as that door opens Peyton’s mom instantly remembers the face and drops down on her knees and gives him a bear hug. As we are driving back home my mom asks me a couple of questions that were hard to answer because I honestly didn’t know. But I try my hardest to answer these questions. As we walk in I remember that we are in a different house and that I don’t have a room. So for a couple of days, I sleep downstairs. I ask my mom what she had thought happened, she said that she thought that I was killed. But I just reply with “Nope I guess I time traveled” She laughs and makes me a warm plate of food so I can eat. As I’m trying to sleep I wonder how I traveled from 2018 to 2022. But I soon get tired and doze off. When I wake up everyone I look at my phone and its’ says August 19th, 2018. WHAT THE F.

The author's comments:

I am a 14 year-old boy just doing something for school.

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