Escape | Teen Ink


September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

“CAITLIN, CAITLIN, wake up. It’s time to get ready for school.” My step-mom is screaming through the entire house yelling at me. I lay in bed for a couple minutes, roll over and get back under the blanket because the fan makes me feel like I’m freezing. “You also need to wake your little sister up and get her ready for daycare.” I decide to get up and slowly walk down the long dark hallway. When I opened Charleigh’s door she was standing in her crib, singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I turn the light on after listening for a few seconds, but something felt strange. When the light turned on Charleigh was asleep. When I turn the light off, a dark, strange figure was standing in the crib singing the song again. The only light in the room besides the bedroom light is from the street light down the road a couple hundred feet. “Caitlin, why are you and charleigh not in here eating your breakfast? It’s been five minutes, hurry up.” I ignore her, she will never believe what I’m saying if I told her this. I shut close Charleigh's door and open it again. The strange, dark, figure is gone, it must have just been my contacts being dried out and which causes things to not be appear clear. I wake Charleigh up and we sit at the kitchen table in our pajamas. My step-mom-,Kindria, made us cereal, but they have been sitting at the table for about eight minutes now, so the cereal is soggy and disgusting. -Kindria-My step-mom, Kindria, notices I’m not eating. “You better eat that, I made it for you and it’s not my fault you let it get soggy-gross-.”

-It’s Only- 7:15AM, I’m in the car with Charleigh, -she is laughing at herself and- smiling in the backseat. I keep flipping the station to find a song to -I can- wake -up to- me up. When I came to the news station I listened. “Citizens in Quahog, Rhode Island say there has been a dark, small, scary- strange figure running around the city and into houses. Stay tuned in for more information.” I looked back to try and picture what I saw this morning, “Was this the figure that lady is talking about?” I asked myself. I plugged my headphones in, turned on the live station and listened to the channel to find out more information. All I heard was Politics, Sports and Weather. Then the lady talking speaks, “When we come back, we will be explaining what the strange figure is.” I was trying listen to see if they would describe what the shape was, what color, how big it was. I heard a loud noise outside, I look up and see everyone leaving their car and running in fear. I look into the driver seat and Kindria is already gone. I look for Charleigh and she is still strapped in her carseat. I get out and grab Charleigh and start to run. Then I tripped and fell down a 39 feet steep hill. I wake up, but no where I recognize. It’s dark wherever I’m at so It’s hard to tell what is happening. I keep hearing little kid screamings, but I shake my head and just say it’s nothing and that I’m fine. Finally I get up to use the restroom. But I noticed something was actually wrong when I couldn’t open the bedroom door. I yelled “KINDRIA, PLEASE HELP!!” But nothing happened. *Fist beating the door* “You better stay quiet if you don’t want to be next!” I recognize this voice, I just can’t tell where from.

It’s been four days, no food. No drinks. No shower. No toilet. Nothing, just a room and a window. After four days I finally thought about taking a piece of the bed frame and busting out the window. Taking the bed apart was scary on it’s own. Just listening to the sound of the metal screech, but also listening for footsteps in the hallway. After two loud hits on this glass, nothing has happened. I’m scared he’s going to hear and co… “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” a voice yells from outside the room. I hear the doorknob twist, I stand there ready to throw this metal frame piece at his/her/it’s head. The door creaks open and I throw as hard as I can. I walk closer and move the body to see if they are actually hurt or not. I knew I recognized the voice. My neighbor that drives a all black car and Is only home during the day and is gone all night. I know his secrets, now I just have to make an escape and save the kids, and the world.


I grab his keys and pistol out of his pocket and start unlocking all the bedrooms to let everyone out. I find Charleigh crying in a corner asking for her mommy. I pick her up, “Hey Charleigh, just hold on, everything will be fine, I promise.” I say as she is wrapped around my body. I walk back into one of the rooms and aim the gun at the window, and fired. But nothing happened, these are obviously bullet-proof glass windows, which make sense now that I think about it. I have all the kids follow me as Charleigh is latched onto me not letting go. We all walk up the stairs in the old building. I get up the stairs and find more bedrooms. I check every room but it was to late for me to save them. I keep walking through, not saying anything to these kids. I hear one in the back scream of fear. I turn around. He has stepped on a button which has a cord leading to the ceiling. As I look but following the cord I see the ceiling fall, and five sharp points falling straight down. Blood splatters everywhere, Kids screaming and now I’m wondering how I missed the big red button on the floor.

Finally, fresh air. I’m the oldest of all these kids. I’m trying to find their parents so I can go home to mine myself. Everyone one I have asked, doesn’t know anything about these kids. Then one older guy comes up to me, his words are “Did you go and save all these kids, or did you finally escape?” I didn’t know how he knew but I told him how we all escaped. His response was “All these kids are from Kansas and Oklahoma. They came here to Colorado for a field trip that was supposed to last two weeks. They’ve been missing for four years now, some even longer, maybe around 8-9 years. I’m a lifesaver I think to myself. Me and Charleigh start heading towards home, by trains, cars, and just walking. A police officer stops on the side of the roa and asked if we were okay or needed a ride. I told him what has just happened and why we are so far from home. But I spoke to soon.

The author's comments:

The characters in my story are people that I actually know, but the events that happened are not true.

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