The Independent Lion | Teen Ink

The Independent Lion

October 2, 2018
By ozioma14 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ozioma14 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
stand strong and never tear away make way for people who strive for greatness everyday - original quote by me

Ozioma Okeke

                    The Independent Lion

Unlike the other lions in the jungle, she was not only strong, she was intelligent, independent, strong-willed, mature and courageous. She was a student at Harambee by day and an incredible superhero by night. She had a routine that she always followed. First she’d wake up, brush her teeth, get dressed, and head to school, then come home, eat lunch, fight crime and go to sleep. One morning she woke up and it was evening 1 hour later.

“Is it just me or are the days going faster by the second?, She said to herself. Something was wrong, She felt it. She got a call from the Hero League that gave her the answer.

“Attention Agent She, there have been rumors that the Timekeeper is using a zoom machine to speed up time. The hours are going faster, and the days are getting shorter. You have to do something, the world is counting on you”.

“No pressure there”, she said sarcastically . She wondered why it was the assistant chief telling her this instead of the unit chief. Colonel Jefferson is never absent  from his post. She didn’t let that thought stop her from getting the task done, so she suited up and flew out of her home. She flew straight to the Timekeepers lair and planned to stakeout there all night, forgetting she had school the next day.

She knew that she had to put her all into this mission because She couldn’t let her city down and render them confused their whole lives. She had the perfect plan for taking down the Timekeeper, but there was a problem. She had school the next morning, homework due the next day and most of all, she had to deal with her annoying sidekick, Cheeks.

         She always hated Cheeks. Cheeks was a scrawny-looking, unsophisticated, immature ant . She was the Colonel’s daughter who he hired as a standby sidekick.  Cheeks was supposed to assist She on this mission but she was nowhere to be found.

CHE-EKS!, CHE-EKS! WHERE ARE YOU!? Where could this little ant have gone to?, She asked herself. She always knew she could never depend on that little thing.

She was not going to let the disappearance of Cheeks affect the completion of her mission, so she went along with her plan. The next morning (or what was left of it), She called the Hero League to find out more information about the Timekeeper’s plans.

“Hello Hero League, any new information”?

“Yes She, turns out the Timekeeper(s) is actually a team who plan to push time to the future by midnight.

“Thanks for this information chief, has Colonel Jefferson returned yet”?

“No, he hasn’t been back to his post in 2 weeks. Anything the problem?

“No, I was just asking.”

There was something about the Colonel and Cheeks disappearance at this time that made She suspicious. Of all missions they decide to be absent on this one…..interesting isn’t?

The author's comments:

it includes ambiguity and irony

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