...Was Gone | Teen Ink

...Was Gone

October 24, 2018
By Meleah7 BRONZE, Voorhees, New Jersey
Meleah7 BRONZE, Voorhees, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

… Was Gone

It is the week before Halloween and I am not trick or treating. This is my first year that I am not going trick or treating, but I am old enough to give that up. I’m am 14, and I live in Dairy, Maryland the scariest town in Maryland. I’m probably just going to eat all of my little brother’s candy. Oh I hi I’m Kameron. As you know I am 14. Sorry I just started rambling. See I read this book by Leah Parker about herself and her 3 friends that had a sleepover the week before Halloween night. During the book she said that Michael Myers paid a visit to them and all 3 of her friends and her mom died that night. See the real reason I’m not going trick or treating is because I am to scared. I read her book and it was a true story. Leah Parker has been through so much, and I could never go through what she went through. Well that is why I don’t want to go trick or treating. I think that what she said at the end of her book might be true. said that Michael Myers will come back unless you kill the killer. Which I am not doing, but Michael Myers needs to be stopped. I think maybe I should tell the police about her book, I hope they can find her book seriously. Especially now that it is the same day that the incident happened.

Kameron: Hi officer I just wanted to ask you if you can have squad cars out around the town.

Officer: Why do we need squad cars? There is no reason, there is nothing wrong with the town.

Kameron: Have you read this book or heard of the curse of Michael Myers? Leah Parker the girl who wrote this book has seen Michael Myers. Do you know what happened to the 4 most sweetest girls that lived in Dairy Maryland.

Officer: Yes I know 3 died 1 survived
He said nonchalantly.

Kameron: You do know it was on this very night and what if he comes back.

Officer: Ms you have no evidence that Michael Myers is coming back. How do you know that this is the girl how was a victim of the Michael Myers curse.

Kameron: Do you have a picture of the girl they show her on the news every 10 years. You have to be kidding me. She is most likely on the news now. Can you turn on that TV?
He turns on the Tv and the news reporter is interviewing Leah Parker.
News lady: We have Leah Parker here the victim of the Michael Myers curse that happened 10 years ago. Now tell us Leah what actually happened that night add any details.

Leah: Well that night I was having a sleepover with my 3 friends. Everyone in town knew us we were always nice to the people in town. So my house was decorated with different kinds of scary props and stickers. The first night we found my friend Annabelle on the floor she had been stabbed. The same thing happened with Daisha. Then we went to Ariannah’s mom’s house. We found both of out mothers on the floor with their legs broken and stabbed. Ariannah and I stayed at the police station. Officers were called to a mission. I knew what was happening. Ariannah tried to stabbed Michael but he stabbed her first. He came at me but I shot him right in the stomach. I was covered in his blood. I went outside there were hundreds of people looking at me. After that I moved to a house near the police station, and wrote my book about that night. I wrote at the end that you should be safe tonight and on Halloween night. Everyone should be with someone at all times, during the week. Michael Myers will come back somehow. He always finds a way to get you alone.

Kameron: See officer like she said he always comes back. You have to get help, or get officers from another town here. You have to keep the town safe from Michael Myers.
Officer: Okay okay we will have squad cars out.

Kameron: Tell everyone in town to lock their doors and close their windows. No one should be out tonight.
Leah Parker walks into the police station 30 minutes later.

Leah: Hi officer I’m her to tell you that you should listen to this young lady trying to protect this town.

Kameron: Thank you so much I’m a big fan. I loved reading your book.

Officer: Um ladies I will have squad cars all over town.

Leah: Thank you. Please understand that we are not trying to do your job we are just trying to protect the town of Dairy, Maryland.

The town thought they were safe throughout the week of Halloween. Michael knew what they were doing. He tried to find away to get into people homes. Three weeks later 7 people died. 2 months went by nothing happened, everyone was on edge. Michael had an idea to make people think he left. Just when they are in the right spot he catches them. 1 year later when people forgot about the curse of Michael Myers. Little did people know he was right there living in there town. 3 people were found dead in the middle of the street on Halloween night. One week after that 4 more people died. Everyone knew what was happening, but no one wanted to leave. Leah Parker and Kameron decides to stay so they could help save the town of Dairy, Maryland. Leah went to her house where she had 2 guns and many many knives. She took Kameron with her, they both strapped up with weapons. They knew Michael Myers would try to catch someone tonight. They were hoping he would want to catch Kameron. Surely he remembered her, she shot him in the stomach. Their plan was Leah should sit outside, and hopefully Michael Myers would pay her a visit. When they have Michael Myers in the right spot they will attack. Michael will learn to never come back. Kameron and Leah knew they should never run or try to attack or make noise. Leah and Kameron told the police station to have squad cars all over town. They had the police officers gear up, and get ready for Michael. Kameron and Leah told them that he does not give up always watch your back. They told the officers why Michael Myers started to kill. Some people didn’t really understand. They made a public announcement saying “everyone stay inside don’t look out your windows and have your lights off”. Make sure everything is locked. Stay o high ground and try NOT to make noise. Leah knew what might happen tonight, but she also knew that they might catch them with all the people they have here. Leah knew they would have backup. The only thing that happened last time she saw Michael Myers is that she had no backup. She was sure that no one would die because they have back up.

* * *
3 hours later… It was 9:45 pm They were all ready. There were 12 police officers on every street with bulletproof vest and weapons. Michael Myers went to Evans St first. He knew there were only old people there. He saw 4 police cars. He decided to go to Summers Ln. There were lots of little children who did not listen to there parents. He noticed that police were surrounding him. So he went to the house where he made the most important kill 10 years ago. Little did he know Leah was waiting for him there. She hadn’t been in that house since the night that Michael Myers killed her family and friends. Leah had 1 police officer there to make sure nothing happened. Michael Myers was hoping to find Leah. Leah was hoping to see him so he could pay for what he did 10 years ago. Kameron was waiting for Leah at Leah’s house. Michael Myers went into house saw Leah sitting in a chair, and told her she was not going to be un this town much longer. All the police officers surrounded the house just to make sure nothing would happen. Michael Myers towards trying to stab her with his knife. Before you know he was shot once. Leah knew that was not enough. She waited for him to get up. She wanted to torture him like he tortured her by killing her family and friends one by one. So she decided to shot him one by one. She shot him once in the foot, and again in shoulder. At this point he was on the ground. Leah yelled “GET UP” she was so mad at him. He decided to throw his knife at her. Little did he know she took a karate class, and they taught her how dodge things like knives and weapons. She dodged the knife. Michael Myers on the floor trying not to give up. He got up off the ground, and started to walk towards her Leah did nothing. She watch him wonder over to her. Leah did not even have a drop of fear in her. She was like Daredevil. She said “Michael I’m not scared of you wanna know why because soon you wont be in this town much longer so enjoy your time here”. Leah finally shot Michael Myers in the head. As she watched him fall backwards and heard the Thump on the floor she was relieved. Leah walked outside feeling very bossy. There was an ambulance outside trying to get to Leah, to have her tested if she was hurt. Leah told the in the fiercest voice and said “don’t touch me”. Leah got in her car and drove off. She went to her house where Kameron was waiting. Kameron started talking to Leah saying that you are amazing. I cant believe you just got rid of Michael Myers. Leah saved the town of Dairy, Maryland. Kameron asked Leah if she was okay.

* * *
1 year later… Things went back to normal. There was no Michael Myers. Every one was still living in the town of Dairy, Maryland. Michael Myers was gone.



The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a horror story. I wrote it because I really want to watch the new Halloween movie.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 30 2018 at 10:02 am
Hermione-Granger BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 198 comments
Cool story. However, the title doesn't really match up with your story, like, I just don't understand how they connect. Also, you really need to proofread and check for grammar errors and spelling errors, because there were a lot of them, and they sometimes interfered with the meaning of the story. Also, you might want to slow down a little bit and explain things a bit better. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm being really harsh on you, but I just want you to get better at writing. Anyway, I really like the ideas you have here. Keep writing and inspiring people!