Runners | Teen Ink


November 28, 2018
By Panda44 BRONZE, Christiana, Tennessee
Panda44 BRONZE, Christiana, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Runners wake up early before sunrise,

We did not sleep enough which was not wise.

The grass is freshly mowed for the race day,

The sky overhead is cloudy and gray.

There are yellow school buses side by side,

There are little orange flags that help to guide.

Colorful tents line the sides of the course,

Setting them up requires a lot of force.

The lines to the bathrooms are super long,  

Runners are listening to their hype songs.

I am Amanda, who everyone loves,

I show good sportsmanship and do not shove.

I have run cross country since middle school,

With this experience, I’m not a fool.

I have long, straight, brown hair and bright blue eyes,

With my freckled skin, I hide from the sky.

My coaches tell me I look really fine,

I have a good kick at the finish line.

I am very funny and speak my mind,

But some girls cry like they have lost their minds.

There are many types of runners at meets,

Like the types of runners that always eat.

Runners that eat a lot before the race,

Get halfway through the run with a green face.

All that food causes them to have bad cramps,

And that does not make them a good champ.

The guy runners that wear really short shorts,

Have skinny legs that are right for the sport.

They think if you have it then flaunt it, right,

At least the short shorts are not very tight.

Next there are girls that wear makeup to run,

The makeup wears off due to the hot sun.

Their makeup is dripping of there faces,

But they keep it on for all of the races.

By the time they run it is looking sad,

And when the pictures come back they are mad.

Then there are the girls who don't wear makeup,

I am one of them and we know what's up.

The girls that don't wear makeup, have no worry,

Cause they are not always in a hurry.

There are runners that are not really smart,

They always get injured before the start.

They lose their energy which is a waste,

Most of the time they don't usually place.

Then there are runners who always complain,

They think they are the only ones in pain.

New injuries come up every week,

They are injuryed so much they have a streak.

There are runners who have a nasty smell,

But we all stink so we can't really tell.

These are all the types of runners at meets,

Some of them you may see on your own street.

They are many different runners there,

It can be too much for people to bare.

We run through different types of weather,

But through it all, we all run together.

People think running is just physical,

But running through is really logical.

So next time you see a runner don't judge,

But instead, go and give them a good nudge.

The author's comments:

My name is Amanda as the poem says. I live in Murfreesboro, Tenneesse. I have ran cross country my whole middle and high school carreer. I am 18 years old. 

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