The Thing | Teen Ink

The Thing

December 5, 2018
By osmarsilva BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
osmarsilva BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wandering through the graveyard, I feel like something is watching me. I feel so scared and … I see something in the distance. It kinda looks like squidward. Nah, its tentacles are longer. I run as fast as I can so I can escape the monster. I make it back home and try to explain to my parents. They don't believe me.

Back in my room, I look through my phone, and there I see it. The thing. The monster. I run downstairs and show it to my parents. They say are you photoshopping?´´


A couple of weeks have passed. I almost forgot about The Thing, but tonight I was watching the news. The news said there was a report of a dead person and that the clue was a a little black spike. Immediately I have a flashback. The Thing. I remember it it was black and spikey.  I remember it like I saw it yesterday and since that day on I've had nightmares and dreams about. And that is the story of THE THING.

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