Suspense Story | Teen Ink

Suspense Story

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

It was a chill, stormy night on the evening of Halloween. The night for our annual Halloween dinner. Every year on October 31st, our family and close friends are invited to our mansion for a night of fun, drinking, outstanding food, and horror. Every year, something evil is bound to happen at our house, and the question is; why does everyone keep attending? Tonight, you just might be the lucky one to figure it out. The guests should be arriving any time between sundown and half past 11.

Once all the guests have arrived we all gather in the dining room and prepare to eat. On tonight's menu they will be serving everything you could think of. Desserts, drinks, meats, etc. While we are all sitting and dining, grandfather John began to feel ill. “Here we go again” is what I began to think, as there is always something bad to happen here at the Halloween party. He began coughing, as if he were choking, so he drank some of his wine, but it only seemed to make things even worse for him. Grandpa was down, but it was almost as if the feeling was just too familiar to help or have care for him. After dinner, the games begin. Bobbing for apples is the first activity. One of the sons wives decided to go first and take one for the team. After chewing on the apple, she began to choke, and yet another guest was down. The most ironic part of this situation is that these people decide to keep eating the apples which are clearly poisoned.

By the end of the night, the only two people left at our dinner that are still alive are me and my husband. We wonder why this happens every single year. All we want everytime is for our deeply loved ones to have a great time on our favorite holiday. In which we love Halloween because we have an interest of the darker things. Why can’t we figure out why things never go our way?

(Change in POV) The truth is that this couple every year has the same guests who attend to their Halloween party but they always end up dying. This happens every year because the one original time they had all their guests over and decided they were the only ones who mattered, so they poisoned everyone there. Everyone had died. So every year on Halloween their guests come back to haunt and remind them of what they did to them. They manipulate and control their thoughts, explaining why don’t remember

The author's comments:

a chilly vibe

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