House | Teen Ink


January 25, 2019
By Anonymous


It was a cool night and inside the house were best friends Angel and Sabrina. They were just done celebrating with their families due to it being New Year’s day. They live in a house together that had two bedrooms. They finished getting ready for bed then they both said goodnight to each other. When Sabrina got into her room she slipped into her warm bed and cuddled the blankets and slowly started to drift off into sleep. Angel was in her covers when she realized her cat Poncho wanted to join her. She looked down at him and said fine since it’s New Years day, she lifted up the covers so her cat could climb inside. She cuddled up to him and both of them fell fast asleep.

The next morning Angel woke up first at 10:00am to let Poncho out of the room and give him breakfast. She loved this cat a lot because he is always a cuddly cat and he would cuddle with her whenever he had the chance too, he would also meow and rub himself on her leg whenever she is leaving because he doesn’t want her to leave him. She was very happy with Sabrina because she let Angel have the cat inside their house.

Angel started to make breakfast for her best friend and herself even though it was almost 12:00pm. Sabrina woke up to the smell of syrup and bacon. When she got up she looked outside and noticed that there was a weather warning on her phone saying that it’s too dangerous to go outside because the snow is really high and the roads are very icy. Sabrina walked out to the kitchen to see pancakes buttered with syrup rolling down the sides of the pancake stack. She also

could smell the delicious bacon piled on a small plate. They both enjoyed their breakfast watching cops live as it was their favorite TV show.

Later in the day Sabrina thought, “Since were blocked in for tonight do you want to have a movie marathon.”

Angel replied with. “Sure, it’s not like we have anything else to do.”

Sabrina asked, “Angel, do you want popcorn.”

Angel replied with, “Sure” and under her breath “I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing you can make without burning it.”

Sabrina asked “What did you say?”

Angel said “Nothing” and she slightly smiles to herself.

Sabrina comes back with the popcorn and sits right next to Angel on their favorite couch. They have had this couch since they moved here and they love it because it’s very comfortable for them to sit on it. They wrapped themselves around the blankets and were trying to figure out what movie they wanted to watch.

Sabrina asked, “What about a scary movie?”

Angel replied with, “Sure”

Angel asked, “Which scary movie were thinking?”

Sabrina excitedly replied with, “How about that new Nun movie.”

Angel replied with “Sure”

They were going to start the movie when Poncho decided to join them. Poncho rolled up close to them and started to purr. The movie was very suspenseful and they were waiting for the Nun to jump out when the girls heard glass shatter and they both jumped.

Angel asked, “Do you think that came from downstairs?”

Sabrina replied with, “Yes, I think it did.”

Sabrina asked, “Could it have been the cat?”  

Angel worridley replied, “Yeah, the cat.”

They both got off the couch and were starting to head for the stairs, when they got there they both looked down stairs and the darkness made it ominous. They were both very scared to go down the stairs.

Sabrina shuddered, “I’ll go first.”

Sabrina turned on the flash light while Angel was clinging on to her and they slowly started to walk down the stairs; as they hit the bottom Sabrina slammed her hand against the wall to turn on the lights. Once the lights were on they were starting to walk around the basement when they heard movement over in the corner. When they got closer they noticed that it was Poncho and there was broken glass right next to him. They took Poncho upstairs to the bathroom where they cleaned the dirt off of him. Sabrina and Angel go back to the couch to finish the movie. When the movie was over they went back to bed because they knew that they couldn’t mess up their sleeping schedule because they had to go back to college as soon as their break was over.

The next morning they both woke up to things smashing on the ground like the sound of glass being dropped to the floor. They both walk out and they see their kitchen a mess with broken plates, bowl, and silverware everywhere.

Sabrina asked, “How did this happen?”

Angel replied, “I don’t know, but all I do know is that we have to figure why this happened and to get Poncho in his cage so he doesn’t step on the glass.”

They picked up Poncho and they made sure he didn’t have any glass on him, then they put him in his cage and while they were doing that they were still watching their surroundings to make sure that no one would try to come up behind them. They decided that to go back to Sabrina’s room because it had a lock on the door.

When they got to her room they locked the door and they’re trying to decide what they should do.

Angel whispered, “Should we call the cops?”

Sabrina replied, “No, because it could’ve been Poncho or the wind.”

They both sat in silence trying to think of what their going to do next. Poncho was getting very worried because they put him inside of the pet carrier. Angel let Poncho out of his carrier, so he can lay down on her.

Sabrina broke the silence with, “Maybe we should check the house together to make sure there is no one here?”

Angel anxiously said, “Yeah, just to make sure.”

They both walk out of the bedroom and they both search the living room first. They looked everywhere in there and they didn’t find anybody so they moved on to the next room which was the kitchen. In the kitchen everything was broken when they look more closely they saw someone’s blood on the floor. When they saw the blood they checked each other, then they went back to Sabrina’s room to check their cat again and he was fine, which means there is

someone in their house. When they walked out of the room again they locked it to make sure that the person couldn’t get Poncho.

What they didn’t know is that the person in their house was a co-worker of Angel’s dad. This co-worker wanted revenge because he didn’t get to be boss, but his best friend at the time did. Connor wanted to get revenge on John (Angel’s father), so he wanted to hit him where it hurts the most, family. He wanted to kill Angel, so John feels terrible. Connor was always second to John and he was tired of it, he wanted to be better than him for once.

When John was in second grade he had a best friend named Connor and they loved to play pirates. They were best friends until everything changed in high school. John became the star basketball player that was always getting the good grades and had other friends that were more popular than Connor. Connor was unpopular and wasn’t doing well in school when it hit him that he lost his best friend and was never getting him back. Connor was very upset and mad at John because John moved on from his best friend. They both went to seperate colleges and they never saw each other again, until they applied for the same job 10 years later.

Connor was hiding in the closet of Angel’s room because he knew that Angel would come in here at some point to get or do something. What he didn’t know is that he was bleeding a little bit because he was too focused to notice.

When the girls go back out of the room they go back to the kitchen to see if the blood leads anywhere.

Sabina said, “Here, the blood goes this way.”
They both grab kitchen utensils to hit whomever this person is to hurt them as much as they could. They see that the person walked into Angel’s room and they were both wondering

why the person would go in there. They slowly open the door and they see that the blood trails to the closet. Connor didn’t know that they were there because he couldn’t see out of the closet and he couldn’t hear anything because the furnace going which means it was making noise. They both go slowly to each side of the closet door.

Sabina counted, “1, 2, 3.”

They threw the doors open and nailed Connor in the head. Connor was knocked out, so they tied him to a chair and Angel called the cops.

Angel told the police officer, “Someone broke into our house and we need help.”

The officer said, “What’s your address?”

Angel replied with, “1462 Appleview Drive.”

The officer said, “The officers are coming right now okay.”

Angel replied with, “We have him tied up already, so the police just have to come and take him.”

The police arrive at the house and they opened the door to see Sabrina and Angel looking at Connor to make sure he doesn’t move.

The police officers go to Connor to untie him from the ropes and put him in handcuffs. Angel calls her father and told him what happened and the police figured out that it was Connor Kay.  Angel told her father that the police were calling him Connor Kay. John was very shocked because that was his best friend and John was surprised that jealousy would bring him to do this. John was in a lot of shock which caused him to become speechless and he told Angel that he was going to show up there as soon as he can. He was arriving with his wife and noticed Angel and Sabrina in the ambulance, so they ran over to them to make sure that they were ok. When they’re

looking at them they noticed Connor in the corner of their eye and turned to see him and John told the cops to hang on for a second before they sent him away.

John asked, “Why?”

When he was done asking the police dragged him away and he was sentenced to at least for 25 years for two attempted murders.  

The author's comments:

This piece is about how friends andhiw they always have their ups and downs.

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