The Fortune | Teen Ink

The Fortune

January 29, 2019
By colepulford BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
colepulford BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1984. The booming economy led to people having more money then they’d ever need. A young man by the name of Bill Gates was one of these lucky people. The company he’d started from the ground up had found a way to create gold out of any material. The profits and lifestyle had moved him from his small home in Ann Arbor, to a flashy Hollywood estate.

It was a quiet Monday evening. Bill had just got home from the Venice Beach Film festival. Where he had won an award for best picture for creating a movie about a calculator that becomes president.  The sun began to set on the Hollywood hills when Bill poured a glass of scotch and took in the view of the sunset. He was a little nervous for his art show tomorrow. Months of planning had gone into the show, it was his big chance to make it into the Los Angeles art scene. He’d been dreaming of showcasing his prized possession for weeks. The Gucci necklace, which was a artifact that had been a cornerstone of italian history since the late 19th century, was Bill’s pride and joy. It had cost him an arm and a leg to acquire it but to Bill no cost was too much when it came to italian art.

The sun had set on the hills as Bill took a final sip of his scotch. He slowly began walking up the stairs to his bedroom when the doorbell rang. Cautiously opening his front door Bill peered out into the night. The moonlight cast a faint white glow onto a small cardboard box at Bill’s feet. He slowly picked up the mysterious box and closed the door. Questions started racing through his head. I didn’t order anything? Who would have sent this? Why? Upon opening the box Bill noticed a card and a picture turned upside down inside. The card read, “Dear Bill, it’s been awhile old friend. Time to protect what’s yours. From Jose Smith.”

Bill was thoroughly shaken by the letter. Jose Smith was a name he had not heard in years. He slowly turned over the card and saw a picture of a fake Gucci necklace artifact. Bill knew it was a message. Jose wanted Bill’s prize artifact, or so he thought.

Bill went to sleep that night with a constant feeling something was not right. He awoke to a harsh knocking on the door. It was the LAPD. The two officers introduced themselves as officers Ramirez and Pyle. “Sorry to bother you so late at night sir, but we’ve found this young man vandalizing your property and thought you should know right away. We’d also need to know if you know who he is. Bill stepped outside, a little tired as well as surprised. His voice was low and weak “He- He’s one of my old employee’s. Michael McDonald. We had to fire him last week for shoving cookies into the disc tray of my Xbox 360.”

“Well there’s the motive.” Officer Pyle said as he looked upon Mc Vandal with disgust.

“I’d like you to come down over by your’e garage door so we can show you the damage.” said Officer Ramirez. Bill thought of it as a odd request but was too tired to think much of it. He followed the two officers over to his garage door where some poorly written graffiti was splattered across the large metal door. Bill peered into the squad car where Mc Vandal was being held and saw his hooded outline of the window.

“Well I’ll let you gentlemen book him at the station. I’ve got some sleep to catch up on.” Bill yelled as he walked back into his house and slammed the door. What a terrible night for all these things to happen he thought. He strolled past his art room to get a quick feeling of reassurance before we went back to sleep. He flicked on the lights ready to take in the full beauty of his Gucci necklace and nearly fell to the ground when it’s crystal clear glass display case was empty. Panic struck him as he came to the realization that someone had taken his priceless work of art. He was on the phone with the LAPD within seconds.

It was 2:00am when Detective Peralta arrived on the scene. Bill looked pale as Peralat approached him to ask a few questions.

“Hello sir, I’m detective Peralta with the LAPD could I ask you a few questions?”

“Of course.” said Bill said quietly as he stood in his art exhibit staring blankly where his Gucci Jewels had once been.

“Did you notice anything suspicious tonight before you went to sleep?” Peralta asked.

“Well no, but my house was vandalized no more than a hour ago.”

“Could you tell me more about who the vandal was?”

“He’s an old employee of mine, we had to fire him because of his anger problem, he was becoming a threat to me and my other employees.” Bill said.

“I’ll need to have his records brought to me but this should be a fairly open and shut case. Once we get McVandal to confess and tell us where the necklace is.” said Peralta.  

Bill Followed the detective down to the police station. The interrogation started quickly. Peralta calmly opened the door to find Mc Vandal sitting calmly at the table. The room was small with two lights in the ceiling.

“Any idea why you’re here?” asked Peralta.

“Spray painted some jackass’s house right?” Mc Vandal replied with a grin.

“Well yes, there’s that, but more importantly you’ve also been arrested for grand larceny and burglary.”

Mc Vandal was visibly confused as he tried stammering out the usual “I didn’t do it”.

“Well Mc Vandal, I’m gonna be honest it’s not looking good for your defense as of right now.” Peralta said as he slipped through his case notes. “If you want me to drop those charges I’m going to need a little more. A name or something.”

“Well..” Mc Vandal started to say. “He said he’d kill me if I talked but what’s a life behind bars I guess.”

“Now you’re thinking straight.” Peralta knew he was close to some big info that would crack the case wide open.

“This guy, his name was um… Mr. Smith I think.”

Bill’s mind clicked, it all made sense now, the mysterious package and theft were coming together.

Jose Smith was arrested later that day and was sentenced to life without parole. Finally Bill was at ease and could display his art to the world. He later received high praise for his art collection and went down in history as one of the greatest people of all time.

The author's comments:

This piece was heavily inspired by the neon-pop culture of 1980's America, where it was a tough road to the top of fame. 

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