The Hitch Hiker | Teen Ink

The Hitch Hiker

February 11, 2019
By 339470 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
339470 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This encounterment is fighting and a warning to others don't hitchhike. I was hitchhiking on a long abandoned road that stretched across the country trying to get back to Indianapolis, after what felt like hours a car finally came by on this empty road. Waving it down I approached the rusted beat up 1977 chevette. The driver looked old who hasn't shaved in a while and in very poor hygiene said without any hesitation asked in his beat up smoker voice

"Where ya headed ?" This dude gave me the creeps but it was him or walk the next 100 miles. I told him I was heading to Indy he just ignored me and said "get in." Not wanting to tick him off I hoped in and we drove off

The car ride was awkward as we drove in silence and this dude made no effort in small talk. I try and eez some of the tension by turning on the radio, but he looked at me sharply and said ¨NO¨. At this point I just wanted out of the car this guys just made me feel uncomfortable. The man claimed he needed to get gas and some food,this was perfect I would just get off at the exit and would walk the rest of the way home. Of course things didn't play out this way the man stop got his gas, as I said in a nervous voice “here is fine to be let out."

The man just had this creepy chilling smile as he said “your not going anywhere¨. And began to laugh. I was officially ready to get the hell out of here. As I went to open the door the car door was locked but missing the silver piece that allows you to manually unlock the car was misssing I was traped, and the man peeled off. He pulled a knife on me and said ¨ try anything funny i´ll kill you¨. I am managed to mutter ¨ok¨. I was in full survivor mode looking for anything to help get out here, but there was only trash and lose garbage all over the car. I was sick to my stomach of the smell of cigarettes and the whole situation. All the sudden I vomited making a point to do it all over the abductors lap.

At the moment I was able to rush out of the car and by some miracle another car came down the road. As I frantically jump in the middle of the road the car tries to go around but I wouldn't let it. I explain my situation and the car agrees to give me a lift to the police station.

The worst part is I failed to get the simplest info no licence plate not even a name. The police made the report but that was about it. So please don't hitchhike its not worth the risk.

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