Mystery Man | Teen Ink

Mystery Man

May 14, 2019
By coralcchavez BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
coralcchavez BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I was staring at the clock, my eyes were almost giving up. I saw the clock turn to midnight. I shouldn’t have taken the night shift. A customer shortly walked inside the store, interrupting my thoughts. His brown hair was pushed back by a bandana around his head. His feet were heavily dragged by house shoes. His white muscle shirt seemed to be a tone of yellow now. I don’t mean to denigrate the guy but he seems a suspicious. Even though we should venerate how each person chooses to dress, he needs a better style. After what seemed like 15 minutes, he walked up to me and placed his items on the counter. I looked at the items and then looked up at him. He looked wretched.His eyes were a deep shade of red which seemed a bit painful. However, his iris were like windows. I could see through the ocean blue eyes that deep inside was a murderer or a burglar. I have never seen one but I think I just did. “What are you looking at?” he asked annoyed. “Nothing” , I then shifted my eyes to the register. As I began to scan his items, I could feel him staring at the register with covetous eyes. I really did not feel like dealing with a burglar today. I decided to ignore those thoughts and looked at what he had. Everything he had, seemed to be needed to replace the damaged items he might have. The keyboard could’ve been used to smash someone’s face which is why he might be buying a new one. Once he did that, the lampshade might’ve fell and broke from such a harsh impact. The worst items yet were the buckle and the teddy bear. Oh my gosh! What if it was a child tied up to a chair and was being hit with a buckle and the bear was to calm the child down. The half-full bottle was sticky on both sides so I quickly scanned it and placed it in the bag. The toothbrush was the only normal item and it was for sure the coverup of his schemes.”So what’s my total?” I dreadfully looked up to his face and said $48.92”. He handed me the money and I quickly gave him his change. Just then, the door opened and I thought to myself, “okay, this is it. This is the day I will get robbed or possibly murdered.” That is until I saw two pigtails swinging side to side and an older lady who was frustrated by the little girl. “Daddy, did you get me my teddy bear?” “I sure did.” he responded. “I also got you a toothbrush so you can clean your shoes from the mud you got at the playground.” he added. An annoyed teenager also stormed in. “ Can you please hurry up?” I have homework due in 30 minutes, she said as she grabbed the keyboard. The bottle was chugged by the guy and tossed it in the trash. “Grandma will for sure love this lamp for her new living room decoration. He then grabbed the buckle to attach it to his belt that used to be a long strip of leather. “Have a good day”, I said as he walked out.His road trip seems like it will in up as a calamity.

The author's comments:

I hope this mystery article encourages people to not judge a book by its cover. You should first get to know what it's about then express your thoughts in a good way whether it's a person or an object.

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