hood slime | Teen Ink

hood slime

October 24, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a man was searching for food and found a can of beans.  Once he looked at it he just thought “oooo dinner” but when he picked up the can of beans, A genie pops out and gives him a lecture of how he gets three wishes and he can wish for more wishes.  At first, the man was going to wish for almighty power and curse the people who have treated him bad but then the genie talked him out of ruining the town because if he cursed everyone that treated him bad no one would be left.  As soon as he was going to wish for some good to happen to the town and for every to prosper an evil man ran at him charging him. The man did this because he wanted the genie to himself.

Once the old man was on the ground pinned by the younger man he was going to wish for the young man to die but the young man had a bandana around the older mans face.  Once the genie saw what was going on he hid back in his can of beans making the fact that the old man rubbed him out the young man could just rub the can of beans and get all the power he wanted.  Once the young man made the older man named james pass out he went to the can and rubbed it and got the genie. Charles the young mans first wish was to be ruler of the town and the palace at the top of the hill.  Once the old ruler was turned to dust from his wish he would turn the town into a un unstoppable empire that charles would forever hold.

Once the old man woke up he went to charles and begged him to go back to the old ways but charles shut the door in his face and still had two wishes left.  James would not let this go, later that night james sneaks into the palace passed the guard lions and steals the can of beans but what James doesn't know is that the can of beans he stole is just a regular can of beans.  Once james get home to his little hut he rubs it and nothing happens so he opened it and finds out it was normal beans. Once charles woke up from his sleep he realized someone had tried to take his genie and fell for the bait so charles second wish was for whoever stole the bait to be locked up in the dungeon for 100,000 years.  Then out of nowhere james teleports to the dungeon and realizes what he has done.

The genie later that night found out what happened to James, he is mad.  He runs to the charles and begs him to release james. The only reason the genie cares is because he knows james would use his last wish to set him free and turn him human.  But once Charles uses his last wish the genie goes in the bottle for another 1,000 years. But then Charles uses a wish and says “ I wish to be the most powerful and dangerous human ever.  Then the genie goes into the bottle for 1,000 years, james rots in a dungeon till death, and Charles becomes world domination for the rest of 1,000 years until someone wishes for him to die.


The author's comments:

i wrote it

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