Pulled The Trigger | Teen Ink

Pulled The Trigger

October 29, 2019
By angelisawhale BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
angelisawhale BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When it hurts- observe. Life is trying to teach you a lesson."

I could hear his footsteps circling me. His shoes make the gravel of the abandoned road crunch under his feet. The rocks dug into my bare knees, i’m only wearing shorts and a tank top. The wind blows, making my body shiver, goosebumps cover my body. My brown hair sticks to my tear stained face, my hands are tied behind me. The circling stops, he stands tall in front of me. He smiles down at me, but that cold and evil smile is the same one that I remember. One of his dirt covered hands lunges at me, grabbing my hair harshly. I scream from the movement and pain, he chuckles darkly at me. Pulling on my hair, he forces me to look at him. The same steel grey eyes from before looks into mine with pure hate and disgust. He reaches for his waistband, pulling out his revolver. Seeing the exact same gun makes my body go numb, panic slowly starting to kick in. I scream and kick to escape him, but the hold on my hair tightens as I do so. Hitting me with the end of the gun, I land on my side from the blow. Forcefully picking my head up, he puts the barrel of the gun between my crying eyes. My body shakes, to tears are streaming down my face. “Please don’t kill me!” I scream and beg for him to spare me. He just smirks at this, making me lose hope. “Tell your mother that Silvers says hi,” was the last thing I heard before he pulled the trigger.

The author's comments:

This is a part of a short stroy that leaves you asking multiple questions. I'm not an experienced author, but I do love to create stories.

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