Killer in Berry Green Woods | Teen Ink

Killer in Berry Green Woods

October 30, 2019
By ari-mellencamp BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
ari-mellencamp BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
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Killer in Berry Green Woods  
We couldn’t wait to start our camping trip and the adventures it took us. Little did we know what we would see that night, would stay in our minds for the rest of our lives. 
We only have two more minutes till the bell rings. It seemed like those two minutes lasted two days. Chris, Mike, and Tim all sit together in seventh period, the bell rings and everyone in the class zooms out. The three boys walk to their lockers and talk about their camping trip. They have been planning this since Spring Break.  They rode their bikes to the store and got food for the campout. The boys got as much supplies as they could carry. Tents, sleeping bags, flashlights, snacks and sodas.   
 Eventually they arrive at the camp site as Tim and Mike set up the tent Chris gathers all the food and goes out to get wood for the fire. That night they all swim in the pond right where they set camp. After a while the three boys gathered and ate at the fire. 
 “Did you guys hear what happened to the owner of the City Bank?” Chris said with fear. 
 “No” The other two said “What happened?”. 
 Chris Replied, “He was killed last Friday nobody knows who did it”. “the City seems a little strange ever since then”. 
 Tim agreed, “I thought there was something strange going on in town especially at the school.” 
Mike shields his face from the blaze of the fire and said, “Ever since then The SWAT and City police have been guarding the school”.  
“It’s because a day after the murder the police chief was going to his office at the school and was strangled. The school found his body and went to get some help and as soon as they walked back into the room the body was gone. They are still trying to find where the person put the body.” Chris added.  
 The Three boys got done eating and went to get more firewood. As the three boys when into the woods Tim screamed. “What is it?” Mike asked in an alerted voice. It was blood smeared all over the leaves and dirt. Mike looked down and said in a relived voice, “It was probably an animal that was eaten by a coyote or a fox.” The three boys followed the blood smear and eventually circled all around to the pond that they swam in that night. They all went in the pond to check it out “What was that?”. Chris said in a frightful voice “Tim did you just kick me?” 
“No, why?” Tim said with a question “What’s going on?”. Tim went to get a flashlight and looked in the pond. It was a hand sticking out of the water. 
“Get out, it’s a dead body!!” Mike screamed, frightened of his own shout. As the three boys settled down, they went back and forth trying to figure out what to do. “We should see if it is the bank owner or chief”. “Maybe this is where the person hid them”. Mike suggested. The boys got in the water and all lifted the body. As they pulled the body out of the water, they all stood frozen looking at the dead body covered in mud and algae. It was the police chief that was murdered last Saturday. The three boys then went to the police station and reported the body. There was a police officer that looked mean and he was very direct.  
“Where is he and how did you find the body?” The police officer (Officer Brock) said in a roaring voice as other officers were waiting to ask questions.  
“He is at the pond in Berry Green Woods.”, Tim said as goosebumps rose on the back of his neck. Over 25 officers got in their cars as the three boys watched them go into action. As the three boys went to try to follow them the mean officer than yelled, “Do not move from this station! There is a killer out there and we need to ask some questions when the rest of us get back.”  
As the officers came back from Berry Green Woods the three boys immediately started to ask questions. One officer eventually said, “We found blood trailing up to the pond, but the body was nowhere to be found.” The three boys were brought by two officers to an office and were told to sit down. “Sit there and Officer Brock will come and ask some questions.” Officer Brock then came over and sat down looking at the boys for a few seconds.  
“What happened when you found the body? What were you doing at Berry Green Woods?” Officer Brock asked in a mean and stern voice. 
 “We were out camping for the weekend. And we went to get wood for the fire, and we found a trail of blood. So, we went in the pond to see what was in there, we pulled the body out and came back here.” Mike said with a stutter in his throat.   
“If the killer was at the school late at night and knew where the Chiefs office was and knew where the Bank owner lived. Then it must be someone that knows the town well.” Tim said puzzled. 
“Yeah and he would have to be close to the victims. The killer had to have been at the crime scene or watching the people that found the bodies of the two” Chris added.  
“Maybe there is a mole in the police station.” Mike said. Officer Brock stopped the boys from jumping to any conclusions.  
“Okay all three of you go home and stay there, a killer is watching us. No going out to investigate or try to figure out the killer. Is that understood?” Officer Brock said in a very serious voice. 
“Yes sir” the three boys said immediately. They all picked up their bikes on the side of the police station and road to Mike’s house. “We need to figure out who is doing all of this” Mike suggested  
“No way if we do, we are putting ourselves and each other in danger. It’s Suicide!” Chris yelled.  
“If it was a person that knew the victims then it must be a mole in the police station. The City bank owner was killed and found at the Bank where there are the Police guarding the vault so it must it has to be an officer.” Tim added.  
“Do you guys know anyone that had anything against the victims. Maybe someone that was angry with them?” Mike questioned as he tried to put the pieces together.  
“Guys it him! It’s him, Officer Brock! When we were trying to figure out who the killer was, he stopped us when we mentioned the mole in the police station. Like we were crazy or something.” Chris helped with the Idea. 
“He is probably at the pond; we have to stop him.” The boys got on their bikes and left as fast as a cheetah. The boys came to the pond with flashlights and a bat. Tim looked around the pond and saw the body of the bank owner. Tim just froze as the other two looked at the dead body they then kept looking for Officer Brock. After several minutes going deep into the dark woods Chris screamed. It was Officer Brock hanging from his neck. The three boys ran to the body of Officer Brock.  
“If the killer isn’t him than who is it?” Mike said with a stutter in his voice. Mike walked up and saw a note in the pocket of the body. Mike read it out loud with a stutter in his throat from fear. I am gone you will never know the note said. The three boys looked at each Bang.  

The author's comments:

I am in 7th grade and I am a twin brother

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