Fallen People | Teen Ink

Fallen People

November 27, 2019
By Anonymous

Amy, an adult woman who just graduated from Journalism, New York University has successfully became a journalist and works for a newspaper office in New York.  
“Good morning, Mr. Smith.” Although Amy dragged her sleepy body all the way to the office and her eyes were like panda’s eyes, she still politely says hello to her officer, Mr. Smith as usual. 
“Morning Amy, I am glad to see you again, but you look awful today. Did the nightmare bothered you again?” Mr. Smith asked Amy carefully. 
In the whole office, only Mr. Smith knew that Amy kept getting bothered by nightmares recently and the nightmare was basically the same content all the time, which is a snake wrapped around Amy’s neck tightly. 
Amy is originally responsible for sports reports, but what happened now is impossible to do other reports. “Corpse Crusoe”, Amy’s original title for the report. Yet, it had gotten rejected by Mr. Smith ruthlessly because it did not really fit to what the report was about. 
It had all started two weeks ago. A corpse dropped inexplicably on Trans-Canada Highway, It caused several cars to rear-end. Fortunately, it had happened at 5 am, the traffic was not that busy. The whole corpse became a ball of meat and nobody is able to see the face of the corpse. Three hours after, over 100 million views in the internet. The corpse on TV was mosaic, but Amy believes it must be scary during that time. 
Among all the witnesses, one driver stated that, as the corpse had smashed on the ground, it was really loud, he even thought it was a suitcase had fallen from the airplane. He kept saying frightenedly,” it was only three meters in front of my car, it was only three meters in front of my car …”  Amy understand how frightened the driver was, if she sees that kind of thing, she might just faint. Right after the driver’s report, the screen turned to a university professor. The professor was one of the most influenced Physician in the 21st century. “According to the information the police had given to me, I determined that the corpse dropped from a height of seven hundred to eight hundred meters.” Many of you may wonder how high it is, The Empire State Building in New York is 381 meters high. So, the corpse basically fell from two times of the height of The Empire State Building. 
Six hours after, local Aviation authority had released all airplane’s routes at that day, but not even one airplane had gone there. Therefore, the police ruled out the possibility of falling from the plane. How did the person get to that height had became a mystery. 
This thing immediately became the hottest news around the world. Amy is able to hear this news all around New York city. 
While the heat of the news had not cool down yet , the second accident detonated people completely. Yesterday at New York Time Square, three corpses fell from the sky within three minutes. The police arrived site in five minutes and blocked 150 meters in radius of the area. All the photos which circulated the first time were all deleted by the government. The government’s powerful approach also shows the seriousness of these accidents. 
“These sorts of things might happen again; you guys seem to have some extra works to do from now on.” Mr. Smith announced. 
The Edit office was like an empty cave since all the news editors were over worked recently and they went back home to sleep. 
“I knew a journalist who knows everything, and he attends first for every single significant accident even before any news media and police. Now, I want you to ask him about what the site looked like on Trans-Canada Highway before the police had came there.” Mr. Smith demanded the task to Amy. 
“He arrived Trans-Canada Highway even before the local police? This guy is insane,” Amy exclaimed. 
“By the way, what if he changed the site before the police had arrived in order to make the site looked worse so that the accident could attract more attentions?” Amy continued. 
Mr. Smith laughed and questioned,” Amy, what major did you study at university?” 
“Journalism, I think you already knew it before I got hired here.” Amy answered. 
“What is the first element of journalism?” Mr. Smith asked Amy. 
Amy suddenly understand what Mr. Smith has meant since the first element of journalism is to be fair, objective and without personal emotional tendencies. 
“Yes, I understand what you meant. Sorry for asking that foolish question. I will meet him tonight,” Amy responded. 
Several hours left, Amy arrived the place they agreed. There is a man I black in the corner. Intuitively, she feels it was him. 
From what the black man had told him, every single person who dropped from the sky have a series number on their body as they dropped. As days passed by, numbers of people who fell from the sky kept increasing. From now on, most things on the street of New York City are no longer people and cars, instead, they are corpses. 
Government and police had no idea where those corpses came from and from photos which were taken by drones, people are just hang on the sky without anything support them. They also tried to save these victims, but as the helicopters approach to victims, they would suddenly fell down. 
After had conversation with the black man, Amy decided to move on. As she turned her back to the black man, she suddenly felt an extreme headache. She tried to maintain awake by knock her head; however, she eventually fell on the ground.  
Once Amy opens her eyes, she could not see anything else except clouds. She then found out that she is hanging on the sky. She is scared, frightened, and desperate. She kept screaming but no one would listen to her. She sees the light of the helicopter just like she sees the hope of survive. She kept waving her hand to the helicopter and the helicopter’s light is getting lighter. At the same time, she felt something is dragging herself down. She realized what the black man told her, which is do not let the help to come approach. Otherwise, she would be a ball of meat a minute later. Although she used her loudest sound to yell no to the helicopter, it was too late.  
October 13th,2019. Another female victim of fallen people appeared on New York street. 

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