5 Years | Teen Ink

5 Years

December 9, 2019
By MoozOfDoomz BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
MoozOfDoomz BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“He saw Forest and understood what Seer had meant. It was an illusion. It was a tangled knot of fears and deceits and dark struggles for power that had disguised itself and almost destroyed everything.” - Messenger by Lois Lowry

Chris had gone missing on November 19, 1991. Now, 5 years later, his mother, Mary Novak, Was still in a deep state of grief. She woke up to the sound of rain. It took her about 10 minutes to slowly climb out of her bed. She walked over to the kitchen and turned on the light, but she was struck by a sudden, abrupt burst of sadness. Her body slowly slid against the fine wood of the cabinet as she slumped over onto the floor. She couldn’t possibly function like this. She tried not to think about him. It couldn’t have been 5 years? She thought, remembering what the date was.

It started as a normal Sunday morning, 5 long years ago. Chris had wanted to go out with friends. He didn’t know how to tell his mom. He had been thinking about this moment ever since he woke up. After a while, he finally built up the courage to tell her. 

“Mom, I know its a Sunday, but, ummm… My friends and I were going to catch a movie and uhh… walk around the mall.” Chris told his mom awkwardly. He knew his mom liked going to church every Sunday, so he fidgeted with his fingers out of anxiety. 

“Son, you know your father used to go to church every Sunday, you know he would want us to continue in his path.” She replied, hoping against hope that her precious son would go to church with her.

Chris didn’t know how to respond to that. “Oh.. ok… o. Okay, mom.  Sorry.” But he never ended up going to church with his dear mother. Chris snuck out the window, hopped in his car, and went to hang out with friends anyway. Struck with sadness, his mom never went to church, and she stayed home waiting for her son to come back. That moment never came. Late that night the police arrived at Mary’s home and delivered her the bad news.

Chris had supposedly went missing while he was driving home, and his car was found, empty, in a ditch around 3 kilometers away from their home. Mary was overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, and grief. She couldn’t have lost both her son and husband?

Now, 5 years later, she still couldn’t get over it. She gathered her will to do and got up. She needed her coffee, that would help her. So she opened the cabinet to get the coffee grounds, but… they weren’t there. She checked all the other cabinets, the fridge, everywhere, But nothing was anywhere. No food was in the house. She entered the quaint little living room, to find no furniture anywhere. She was beginning to panic. Mary swore that she was having a seizure. Then there was a ring on the phone. 

She picked up the phone, hands trembling as she held it in her clammy hands. The phone rang again. She answered. “Hel-hello?” she said, her voice shaking. Silence followed.”You, You aren’t welcome here, or anywhere, you murderer, you dirty, dirty person” The person on the other line said, slowly, with anger in his voice, sounding almost… otherworldly.

Then It happened.

The lights winked out, all she could see was the slight light that the sun gives off behind the clouds. Mary felt a hand grab her back, and before she knew it, she was in the air. She tumbled onto the floor, the strange man wrestled her to the ground, grabbing her making sure she couldn’t move. He kept her on the ground, hands pushing her back to the dirty white carpet. He grabbed the back of her head, and slowly moved it, so she couldn’t see anything, just the floor of the living room. She struggled, but to no avail.

“Good, good. It's all coming together,” he said, his voice filled with glee and satisfaction, almost as if he was finally getting revenge on a long-lost foe. He let up and let her see his face. I-I was Chris. 

Mary was shocked, a look of absolute horror blossomed on her face. She thought she had killed him! No, Chris didn’t sneak out. He was killed by his mother. His mother, who had raised him since has was a baby. Mary, in frustration with her son, killed him. Why? He didn’t want to go to church. He was hanging out with non-church friends! He disrespected his late-father. So she killed him in a sudden fit of madness and rage and drove his car into a ditch, so it looked like he crashed. His body was buried in the backyard. She had never looked back. 

“You, y-y you!” Chris spoke, vengeance in his words “I, need to do this Mary, I need closure, I-I...  just need to know that you will be punished for what you did, to me, and to all the others that you have no doubt hurt,” He pulled out a long silvered blade, with a gorgeous, woven leather handle. “I’m… I’m sorry. goodbye, goodbye Mary” Chris took the knife, lined it up with her throat, and with one, long, motion, slit the throat of Mary Novak. As she died, Chris disappeared into whatever lies next, in the afterlife. Finally. Finally with closure. Finally at peace with his killer.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an assignment, I thought it was cool so I put this here.

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