SHE | Teen Ink


January 13, 2020
By EthanTaylor BRONZE, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
EthanTaylor BRONZE, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Mom puts me to bed. I can see the tired look in her chocolate brown eyes, just begging to go to bed. I feel her soft peach like hand moving across my forehead pushing my long stringy hair out of the way, so she can come in for a kiss. I love when she does that, it gives me a tingly feeling from my tiny toes all the way up to my warm melting heart. The perfect ingredients to go bed. As she gets up to bring me Dr. Snuggles from my closet she starts Humming Twinkle Little Star. I pull my blanket over my head to hide my face, I couldn’t do anything else but smile. As she quietly drifts the humming to an end, she slowly pulls the blanket ever so slightly off my face, noticing my smile and smirks while her eyes are closing. She tightly tucks Dr. Snuggles into my arm and tucks the blanket nice and tight around my waist, to the bottom of my feet and upon both my shoulders, she kisses me one more time for a great night's sleep, and walk out closing the door but just before she close the door her hands comes in and flicks the lights switch off and my night light switches on nice and bright. she shuts the door fully and Im fast asleep. 

The Morning Before: 

 Mom drops me off at school before work. I got excited when I saw my friends at the front of the school it made me forget to say goodbye, I knew she didn’t mind it's happened before. As I leave her coffee infested car I ran out with one shoelace undone, backpack dropping down my back, and my hair in my face because of the 35mph North East wind coming my way. I meet up with my friends at the top of the stairs to walk into the building as my mom watches the whole thing and drives off. 


I start to cry because she forgot to say bye, she must of got excited, I can see her friends. As she stared her daughter down one of her daughters friends waves seeing that she was staring, she waves back sippin on her coffee trying not to think about the shift she about to do as she drives off.  

She pulls ups in the parking lot, takes her last sip of coffee before she has to walk out into the frostbite air of the morning. But she feels something, she feels like someone is watching her, she stares towards the passenger window hoping it just in her head “it's nothing”  she glimpse through the rear view mirror seeing the tired crowd of co-workers walking into the building. “It's nothing” she looks down taking a deep breath grabbing her keys from the ignition and turns her head ever so slightly to see a rugged old man with a nasty beard, bald head with patches of hair sticking up and crack filled teeth. She gasps spilling coffee on the control panel. She feels her whole body tense up, her heart racing a million million miles per second. She looks over and sees a cup asking for spare change. He looked into my eyes and I saw the sadness in his eyes. He was Homeless, but seemed like he wanted more than just money. She doesn't get out, she starts honking her car horn over and over again but the Hobo wouldn’t leave, he continued to stare into her Chocolate brown eyes, he was smiling at her with a stranger stare. She continues to honk hoping somebody will come but nobody came he starts laughing hysterically at the window still staring and started pointing his dirty old, long nailed, rough hands at her face through the window. She wants to start crying but she tries to stay strong hoping somebody will come. But nobody was around. He was still laughing until he just stop abruptly with no smiles, nothing. Just a cold dark stare in her soul. She starts to get the chills not knowing what to do. Then decided to grab her purse and pulls out her phone. The homeless man notices and get furious, grabbing the handle of her car and start to pull on it yelling in a different language DAS GELD, DAS GELD, DAS GELD. she starts to freak trying to dial 911 with her teary eyes blocking her vision. He manages to pull off the handle from the car door, which lead the door to open. She panics throws her phone on the ground and instantly started to cry, she uses both hands to try keeping the door close but she wasn't strong enough. The door flies open and time suddenly slowed down.her life flash before her very eyes and the memorable moment was the birth of her child, she knew if something was going to happen it was going to happen right now. Her heart drops to the floor as the homeless man continues to chant “DAS GELD.” On the floor a surprising “911, what's your emergency?” merges into both of their ears. She lunges her body towards her phone, the hobo jumps on top of her pulling her from the waist. The struggle started to get too real. She could smell the soulless soul from is breath of booze and cigarettes as he pulled her closer into him. She pulls out one of her legs and is able to bring her feet up to his head constantly in the head he continues to laugh hysterically. “hello,? Ma'am is everything alright” the police on the phone questioned. She starts to scream finding her coffee container and beats it on the top of his temple as well as the his groin with her shin. He lets go yelling in pain. She suddenly feels anger and adrenaline rushing through every vein in her body. She gets out of the car  grabbing the man by his hoodie, putting his head between where the door shuts and slams the door on his head. He screams in pain “DAS GELD” she continues to cry as she bashing is head into the door. Blood starts to emerge out of his head and the screaming of both the man and the woman suddenly became quiet. The bloody massacre with a dented in face dead laying on the asphalt. Her crying suddenly became a stunned stare not realizing what to do. “Ma'am is everything Ok. ma'am help is on the way, stay where you are.” everything hit her at once, she needed to do something fast.

She rushed to her phone and hung up. There was no way she was going to the cops after what had happened. She knew that she would be hurt if she decided to call the cops. Not noticing her heavy Breathing she drags the bloody dead body over to her trunk praying nobody would see her. He was very heavy and the blood was still rushing out of his head, she manages to throw him in. she instantly gets in her car a drive out of the parking lot. 

Stunned, not knowing what to do, she drives with caution trying to get out of the city and into the country to find some woods. Her palms are shaking trembling in sweat, she can barely hold onto the steering wheel. Her heart hasn’t stopped racing every since she saw the hobo. It felt like it was going to pop out of her chest onto her lap. She continues to drive distracted she from what's going on, she continues to think about what just happened. Suddenly, she sees red and blue lights flashing behind her, she continces to panick. She looked at her sweater covered in Blood, same with her hands and shoes. She pulls over trying to keep control. “What should I do?’ she thought. She quickly takes off her sweater throws it in the back she had a tank top on. she thought to spill  her coffee on her hands to wipe off the blood. She was hoping the cop didn’t smell the BO coming from the homeless man in the back of the car. The cops rolls up and she rolls down her window taking a deep breath. 

“Do you know why I pulled you over.” the cop asked

“No officer, did I do something wrong.” think in her head Yes.

“Before the highway you pass the stop sign, you seem like you were in a hurry?” 

“Sorry officer I must of been distracted, I do remember trying to turn the air on because is was rather hot and then my phone started to ring and i…”

“You weren't texting and driving know where you?”

“No officer I, I, I...” stuttering her words. 

“Did you have an accident?” asked the officer in suppision.

“What do you mean?” She started to get nervous. 

“There seems to be coffee everywhere on the control panel.”

With a little bit of relief she answers, “Oh you see, when I was going for the air, my hand tipped my coffee as I was grabbing it my phone rang and made me spill my coffee even more on my hands.”

The police officer confused shrugged it off and continued to ask, “Licence and registration maam” 

She pulls them out of the glove compartment and hands them to the officer. He walks back to his car for further investigation.

In panic mode closing her eyes, gripping on the steering wheel, slowly putting her head down praying she makes it out ok. She continues to investigate the car. She noticed there was some blood on the door. “How did he not notice that?” she grabs the sweater from the back and wraps it up. It started to smired but the black interior made it hard to see it. He slowly walks back over to the driver side window.

“Miss, i'm a lets you off with a warning. Your record is perfect.”

Yes officer I would never want to do something that would cause harm to this city.” She said trying to speed up the process.

“Right, well you have a good rest of your day and be careful.” 

Yes of course officer, that is indeed what I’ll do.”

He leaves and she rolls up her window and not a time to waste she on the road. “Indeed what I'll do?” she thought to herself “What am I thinking?” She manages to find a place for the body and she manages to cool down a bit after what has happened. She pulls onto a dirt road and drives for a good mile or so to make sure no one is following. She kept thinking about the whole situation and why this had happened to her, why did he have to come to my door, why was he yelling and laughing at me, staring into my soul. It didn’t make any sense. She started to remember that he was yelling something in a different language and decided to look it up. She pulls out her phone and looked it up on google “Das Geld.” it stands for money in german. “he was a german man asking me for money.” Then she started to remember that creepy smile he had and the way he grabbed her waist pulling and thrusting towards him. She stopped in the middle of the road and started to cry. She started to realize what she did and how this is going to have to stay a secret until the day she dies. The regret, the way it made her feel smashing the door to his head. She never felt that kinda way before. It almost felt relifeing in away that can’t be explained. You would need to experience it yourself. It will always stay inside her thoughts on family event, dinner, at work, talking to random people, even just sitting on the couch watching TV with her daughter as she does math at the table she continued to cry. She looked at the time it was 2:00 pm she need to pick up her daughter in an hour. She quickly tried to wipe the tears off her face, she got out the car walking to the back of the trunk, opening and smelling the soulless body in her car. It honesty smelled the same from when he was alive. She continues to drag him into the woods tumbling on sticks and dead branch from old mossy trees that has been molded down from age. As she drags the body her stomach feels like butterfly and she throws up all over the dead german man. She had no time to waste, she found a slope and threw him down it. rolling down the puck made the leaves stick to his body and he flopped at the bottom where a stream was and he lied there facedown. She paused and stared at the man for a brief second and walked back to her car. She drove off and never came back. 

Her daughter was outside waiting with the principal. She looked at the clock of her car it was 3:30 pm. The principal stayed at the top of the stairs, as her daughter came running down them to the car. She waves to the principal mouthing the word “sorry” through the window. He smiled and walked inside. 

Daughter jumps in the car with a bright smile. “It smells really bad in her mom. Did you Fart” She Giggles.

“Sorry honey, it must of been from coffee this morning I spilled everywhere.” her daughter ignored what she said and turned on the radio. 

Later that night 

She plopped down on the couch to turn on the TV and took a deep breath but before she could exhale she heard a knock on the door. She was rather confused why would somebody would be knocking on the door at this time. She gets up slowly, walking towards the door and opens. two cops were at the door. 

“Hello officer what seem to be the problem.” She asked

“Have you seen this man, someone notice at your work this man was at your car window this morning, and it seem that you never actually went inside for work. We were wondering if we can come in to talk about what happened today.” 

Her heart drops, she slammed the door on there face and ran upstairs. She started to panic more thinking why was this happening. I've never done anything bad before.  My daughter what do I say to my daughter. All these question rushing in her head and all she can hear is knocking on the door yell “ma'am please come back we need to ask a few questions!”

“Mom, why are there cops at the door, are you in trouble”

She stares in stun “Oh sweety, mommy loves you very much but... mommy going to have to leave for a bit of time.”

“What, How long?”

I'm not sure, these cops are going to take me away from you and they will find you a new home.

“But Mom,” she starts to cry “what's going on! MOM!”

She hugs her daughter one last time before  cops barge open the door putin her in handcuffs. Her daughter is crying kicking and fighting the other cop that is holding her so she won’t run. “Mom No! Mom!”

“I love you sweety. I love you so much” as she is put in the cop car. They slowly drive away.

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