The light has fallen | Teen Ink

The light has fallen

February 20, 2020
By izzycase07 BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
izzycase07 BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ Don’t do it, not this time you won’t,” Damian screamed at his drunken father. In his father's right hand a beer bottle, and in his left a crowbar. “Get away from me,” Damian continued trying not to break out in tears, “ Leave me and mom alone, you don’t deserve a place in this family.” Damian's father swung the crowbar close to Damian’s face, his weak body flinging with the hefty metal. His father was much weaker than him, but he could be deadly. His father's cold, dead eyes looked no more dead, but now determined to hurt Damian. He was not only scared but he was sickened to his stomach from how his once, kind, loving father turned out. No one, only Damian could protect himself. His mother's frail body lay on the threadbare, and bear marked couch, she passed out thirty minutes ago from all the cocaine she injected. She usually only stayed out for 3 hours at max. 

Damain shouted, trying not to wake up the trailer park, though they wouldn’t care anyway, “ You are not a father to me, you sicken me, I am going to leave and never come back,” He continued, “ You don’t deserve the title father, you are nothing but a drunk.” 

He wanted to run away and cry, but he couldn’t, he had to stay strong. 

His father, Russell, yelled back, “ Oh so you think I'm going to hurt you?,” His slurred voice continued, “ You always were so smart.” The slight grin on his face burned into Damians eyes.

 Russell reached to his side and pulled out a sleek metal gun, the rim covered in a thin strip of blood. Damian knew he had to get out. But how?

 He says in a calming voice, with a slight echo of fear in his tone, “ Dad, you don’t have to do this, I won’t leave you, I promise. Just put down the gun, I'm begging you.” 

Russell responds in an infuriated voice, “ Oh, so now I make the demands,” He reaches to gulp down his tenth beer, still with the gun pinned to Damian, “ So now you’ll love me, huh?” 

Quickly Damian responds, “ I have always loved you.”

 Somehow, that distracted his father just in time for Damian to carefully take out his switchblade and hold it to the back of his muscular body. 

“Dad! Look out behind you!” Damian said in his most exaggerated voice. Russell turns around fast but only stares into nothingness. Damian immediately throws his switchblade into his father's calf, making him crumble to his knees. Damian shot out of the trailer hearing his dad's cries behind him, trying not to trip on old beer cans in his front lawn. He kept running for miles, the touch of the ground on his feet was agonizing, but he didn’t give a damn. All he cared about was he was out of that horrific trailer. His body ached for hours, but he kept on. The sky started to turn to dusk, the sound of sirens in the distance, the beaming city lights, he didn’t stop until he came to the one place he felt safe. The place where all his worries disappeared. The splashing of the waves under him echoed through the now aged wood. Damian now stands on the edge of the abandoned dock. He steps and looks above him to see a structure towering over him. Sky-high, the Ferris wheel stands, creaking from the cold breeze which swarms Damian's body. Damian never knew why this place made him feel safe, maybe the lack of people or the eerie feeling from it. He walks forward, unintentionally stepping on a former stuffed bear which was once a prize at the now-abandoned fair. The tiny stitching on the bear trails in the wind. Damian walks forward, trying to remember good times from the back of his mind, hidden from all of his suffering. 

He speaks out to the ocean, knowing no one would hear him, “ What has happened to my life, “ He speaks softly, “ I hate my life!” 

Damian got enraged at all that has happened, but he couldn’t just end it all, he couldn’t give his father that recognition that he succeeded in ruining Damian’s life. He suddenly came to the realization that mom was still at his house, Russell could have killed her by now. Damian rushes to get quickly off the dock, although tripping on a damp piece of cloth. His headbanging across the wooden dock, his eyes slowly shutting from the throbbing gash on his head. He couldn’t help himself from falling into the deep hole of his mind. He could only imagine,  his mother’s body lay on the floor, drained from any bit of life it ever had possessed, around her layed the blood his father so mercilessly wasted. He had to get up, he had to go save his Mom, but his eyes could not open. He soon went into darkness once again. 

His eyes slowly open, the stars shine brightly above him, he lays there for a minute letting his mind regrasp what happened, he slowly lifts his head up. Trying not to lift up too fast. It could be his imagination, but he sees a figure stepping towards him. The wooden slats creak under his body as he tries to clutch what is happening. His mind is spinning now, the figure steps closer and closer. Damian squirmed back as fast as possible. His shaky hands trying not to trip over themselves, scurrying back. 

“ There's no need to be scared, Damian.” The mysterious man said in a slightly calming tone.

“Get away from me you creep!” Damian shouted, still wondering how he knew his name. The mysterious man started running towards him, Damian scrambled up, trying to regain balance. The man had caught up to his blood-stained leg and yanked it back, Damian's hand shot back and his body flopped on the cold ground. The man's body hovers over him, his rusted chain dangle on Damian’s chest, the man is muscular, he holds his hands to the splintered wood. The muscular man lets go and walks towards an old game stand behind him, Damian's body still frozen in fear. Unable to move his now shivering body, he feels a sharp pain on the left side of his head. His vision now blurred, he sees a large piece of wood drop near him. His body starts to drag backward, his fresh blood trailing behind him, his eyes start to go into nothingness, yet again.

His eyes slowly open to the luminescent room. His eyes are still trying to fully flutter open. 

“ Oh finally, you’re awake, you’ve missed a lot.” The man speaks

He starts to bring a small cart toward Damian’s shackled body, there stands a small, old television on the end of the creak ridden stand. The man turns the rusted station knob to a local news channel.

 The news reporter claims, “  Now onto a serious topic…. Mary Smith, forty-five-year-old women found dead in Eastgate’s trailer park, she was found with three bullets to the chest, and one to the frontal lobe, with the writing, you're next, on her stomach. The suspected murder is Russell Smith if you know or see this man please report to the authorities.” 

Damian's body darkened, his hands shook with what little movement they contained, his vision flooded with a line of water, a cold tear fell from his bruised cheek, all happiness gone from the little shard it contained. He could have helped his mother, he should have stayed.

“Aw, boo hoo, you’re moms dead, big deal, she was a bad wife anyways.” The man said in an annoyed tone

Damian attempted to break free from his binds, the chair wobbled on the cement floor, his dad had murdered his mom and that filled his shrivel body with hatred, hatred for all he has done. The heavy wooden chair falls to the ground making a huge sound. Damian's face touches the chilled floor, footstep walk towards him. 

“You stupid boy,” His father took a long pause, “ I’m going to kill you, my son.”

Damian spits on Russells beer-stained shoes. His father takes out the switchblade he threw in his leg, the sleek rim was covered in Russells and his mother's blood. His father crouches down to his face and starts to carve. The cold sharp pain was agonizing, his blood flooded his eyes and blinded him. The knife was across his neck, 

“Any final words Damian?” Russell says in a mocking tone

“ Goodbye, you a--hole.” Damian says trying not to choke on the blood from his forehead. 

He cuts a long strip across Damian’s neck and lets him sit there to die. 

“ Urgent News Alert.... Another body found from murderer Russell Smith, his sons body, Damian Smith, found in abandoned fair, a cut to his neck from a switchblade, and a writing on his forehead which said, Disappointment, if you have seen or heard anything about this man please contact the authorities.”

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