Heartbeat | Teen Ink


February 27, 2020
By aharris3 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
aharris3 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The clinking of glasses and the roaring of guests brings a smile to the bride: Dolly Charles.  She had to shove her way through the crowd of the rusted trailer house she called home, just to stand on a chair and announce, “Attention, attention everyone!  The ceremony is starting in only 5 minutes, so get your butts outside! But don’t break the screen door!” Stepping outside to help funnel the chaos, she spotted her father, Kane Charles.  You see, she still lived with him in that rust bucket. She knew he hated how she was marrying so young. But, when an independent 18 year old woman says she’s marrying a 27 year old hunk, nothing can stop her.  Three months of love was enough, right?

Richard Walter, the handsome, charming, and “lucky” man himself, peered around the corner of the trailer house, smoking a cigarette.  His sharp, full eyes also met Mr. Charles. A knowing glance was shared, and you could almost see the blade they held to the other’s throat.  The moment faded, as the groom suppressed a laugh, grinning with satisfaction.

“Places, places!  Sit down in your spots, this needs to be perfect!” Dolly exclaimed.

Kane adjusted his posture, combed his silver beard one last time, and stood at the doorway of the trailer home, waiting for Dolly to finish perfecting her dream.  He almost found himself smiling. Then, a shiver found its path, seeing that man with the devil’s eyes walk up to the altar. The father knew he would be joining him soon.

Dolly had lost her mother about a year ago, and had her aunt Penny carry her urn to stand next to her.  Her father was then, decidedly, the best man. As the bride locked arms with her father, his grip tightened, holding her close with pride and lamentation.  A final hug was shared, as the bride, no, the princess, gracefully placed her body in the perfect spot on this perfect day. Kane, however, stumbled behind the groom.  Regrouping, he did his best to start rationalizing this unforeseen marriage. 

“Okay.  She may have known him for 3 months, and there may be a 9 year age gap, and-”

“Psst.  Old man.”


“Yeah you.  Listen…,” Richard whispered.

“I guess since I won, and you probably forgot already, don’t forget to say goodbye to my new prize on the way out.  She is worth so much more to me, more than your old brain could know. Just don’t follow us out. For your own good.”

The devil’s eyes consumed the air, blinding Kane to anything but the burning feeling of hatred, for he knew for sure now that it wasn’t just a sick joke.  He lunged forth, someone screamed, and the red haze turned white.


The struggling ceased, as the best man grew weak in the arms of two large police officers, and with faded voices, they spoke his Miranda Rights.  The wails of the robbed princess echoed through the streets, cast over the sirines. Vows were mumbled between sobs and sharpened teeth. There was a pulsing pain in his right arm, already bruising.  Kane didn’t catch any of this, though. The only thing he had left was his pounding, ringing heartbeat.

Taken into questioning, the broken father, the broken man, lay his swollen, feeble arm onto the cold, brass desk.  The forearm held a distinct purple bruise in the middle of a pair of brass knuckles, engraved with the letters “R. W.”  Kane’s face was null, while an ocean of emotions lay crashing behind.

Nothing was left for him…




…but his heartbeat.

Then, one word was exchanged between the interrogator and the broken man.  One that held the key for the case and for the father’s heart. One that Kane dreaded: “Why?”

Tears.  Nothing but tears left those wrinkled eyes, down his cheek, cast into his silver beard, and onto his beaten, battered arm.  Police officers standing by the door couldn’t help but lower their heads in the presence of the Broken. Catching his breath, the Broken spoke.

“It was three months ago when that monstrous boy came into our lives.  He met my daughter online, and they met after a day of talking. When she brought him home, I got a chance to speak with him privately for an hour or so.  He seemed nice enough, but something was off. His demeanor, his movements… something made me terrified. Then, way too calmly, he said he was hunting for tigers, that Dolly was a prize catch, and she’d be worth a lot of money in the market. Simply I was shocked, but we laughed it off like it was all just a sick joke.  I stayed out of his business then on. Naturally, Dolly latched onto him pretty quickly. That girl swooned over him every day. Then since I’m an idiot, I approved and paid for the wedding. At the altar, do you know what that guy said to be? He said he won his prize. He said that I need to say goodbye. That… that man… that devil… has taken away my princess…”

The tears came again.  His voice trembled beneath the sobs, struggling for air.  His lungs strained, his heartbeat pounding in his ears, his swollen arm pulsing with warmth.  The ceiling lights grew brighter and brighter, robbing the man of the last of his senses...












Richard took his daughter, his pride, and now, his heartbeat.

The author's comments:

This piece was originally a journal entry in my Creative Writing 1 class, which I  expanded opon in my own time.  This entry was a challenge for the class to create a story off of the same, randomly shuffled prompts:

- The best man

- A horrible secret

- An embarasing physical trait

- (An image I interpreted as an interogation room/prison)


I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)

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