The Hypocrite | Teen Ink

The Hypocrite

March 12, 2020
By AndreV02 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
AndreV02 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
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I was always considered the “smart kid” in Middle school, always getting picked on for wearing suits most of the days, and my glasses made it even worse. I didn’t care much, as I focused on my studies hoping to succeed in life.

In high school nothing much changed, same kids picking on me, me still being the top in my classes. But one day they crossed the line. On a Thursday night, John, who was the “main guy” in his group, came to my house with his buddies with a carton filled with eggs.

“Hey Stan!” he shouted towards my window.

I didn't yell back. I just continued writing in my journal.

“We know ya parents ain’t home pal. Mind if we come in” The rest of them just laughed with him. Still I stayed silent hoping they would take off, but of course they didn’t. They tried opening the door but of course I locked it, along with the back door and all the windows. 

“Huh, ya think that's gonna stop us, well you're wrong,” He said lowering his eyebrow. “Alright boys lets knock this door down!” He yelled holding his arms in the air revealing a baseball bat.

That’s when I opened the window and yelled “I'm gonna call the cops I…” I was interrupted when one of them threw an egg at me, followed by another and another, basically the whole carton. I went back to my room when I heard the door get busted down. I heard there footsteps racing upstairs. I rushed to shut the door, but John made it before I could get a chance to close the door.

“ Uh uh uh” he said waving his pointer finger in my face. He busted my door open, knocking me on my bed. He slowly walked towards me pulling his greased black hair back smiling. 

“You son of a b----, you thought you could get away with it huh”

“What?’ I replied cowering in fear.

“You really think I don't know huh?” He grabbed me by the soldiers shaking me knocking my glasses off. . 

One of his buddies joined in saying “This is the bastard that killed Rocco?!”

“Your damn right” He walked back and grabbed his worn bat. He walked back to me hitting the head of it on his hand. 

“WHAT! NO I DIDN'T!”  but he just ignored me.

“Aw man i'm gonna enjoy this!” He said, clenching his jaws. “This is for Rocco!”

He swung that back over his head and to me. I dodged it and threw myself under my bed grabbing my case. All 4 of them got on each side of the bed trying to pull me back out. I got my gun out of my case and shot one of them in the arms.

“AHH!” he cried. “OH SHIT!” they yelled. And just like that they ran off. I got out of my bed breathing heavily. My hands were shaking as I looked down at the gun. 

“I aint no coward” I heard from inside my closet. John jumped out swinging the bat in my gut. I fell back dropping the gun. He picked it up staring at it.

“You need this? How about you fight me like a man!” He launched both the gun and bat out the window. “COME ON!” he said getting into a boxing stance. I looked up at him.I knew he was much stronger than me and taller and faster, but not smarter. I got up and also got in a stance. He laughed as he took a swing right on my jaw. He grabbed me by my shoulders and kneed me in my ribs, and threw me into my wall busting a hole in it.

“You killed my dog!” he yelled as tears started to pour down his cheek

“No I didn't!” I said sobbing..

“Oh shut up, Im not gonna kill you, but im sure as hell gonna f--- you up!” He picked me up and started launching punches at my face. He then wrapped his hand around my stomach and threw me out the window as if I weighed as light as a feather. After that he finally left 

I finally woke up a few hours later feeling waves of pain all over my body. Blood and egg yolks covered my face. “God dammit” I whispered as I stood up wiping my face. I went back inside the house as anger built up inside me. Revenge was all I was thinking the rest of the day, so  I got ready for tomorrow.

It was Friday morning, the last day of school till spring break. I packed my bag, and a gym bag, which I don't usually do, but today I needed it as my backpack was already filled with my schoolwork.

I had faces everywhere looking at me in the halls, noticing my busted up face. My friend Frank ran up to me “Holy shit dude, the hell happened to you”

“You know the usual”

“Well what are you gonna do this time?” he said laughing.

“Let’s just say I won't ever look like this again”

“Uh what?” He said nervously laughing.

“You’ll see” I said smirking.

I got into my classroom noticing John’s seat was empty, that made my heart sink as I sat down. My hands were shaking as I dropped my notebook  trying to take it out of my bag. 

“You alright there dude?” said one of my classmates

“Yeah” I said as I cleared my throat.

The classroom door opened and a sent of relief finally settled into me. It was John.

He walked to his seat as he apologized for being late, he then gave me a menacing stare and I sent one back. I mouthed to him to meet me in the bathroom as I raised my hand asking to go to the nurse, saying I might be picked up to cover up why I needed to bring my bags. The teacher understood and gave me a pass.

I walked into the bathroom anxiously waiting for John. Sweat started to pour down my forehead. Then I heard a stall open. He walked to the sink staring at me which made me feel even worse.

“Uhm you okay?” he then looked down at my pants “Uh you just..peed yourself.”

I looked down and back at him, he washed his hands and left, as he left another person came in, it was John

“Well i'm here” he said, pulling his arms up. He then looked down, shaking his head. He picked his head back up “You know, Jimmy’s in the hospital..” He paused as he looked at my pants and my arms wrapped around my bags shaking. “Look dude I ain't gonna hurt you, but why did ya want me to come to the bathroom? Look I'm sorry, I really thought you killed my dog..” I stopped him as I dropped my bags revealing a gun. “Well I did kill him” I said as I pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced through his chest killing him instantly. “HOLY SHIT!” a kid yelled as he walked in noticing John’s dead body. The kid looked up and I shot him.

I looked down at the gun which was shaking uncontrollably. I dropped the gun as I started to pull my hair and paced back and forth. “No,no no no no no” I whispered to myself. I then started to cry as I walked into a stall.

“What the” I heard from two kids. I jumped out of the stall, grabbed the gun and shot them both and ran out of the bathroom, I sprinted for the school’s exit and noticed two police officers chasing at me. I threw the gun at them and got outside sprinting towards the road. I looked back and they were still there. “HEY! STOP OR WE WILL SHOOT!”. 

“I JUST THREW THE GUN AT YOU! “ I yelled back. I then looked back noticing I was on the road, I turned my head right and a car slammed into me launching me in the air killing me instantly. I deserved all of it.

The author's comments:

People can seem one way but sometimes there not what they seem.

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