Cornfields | Teen Ink


November 28, 2020
By Anonymous

I look down at my best friend's lifeless body plopped on the floor. The crimson blood surrounding her in a lake. Her green eyes are wide open, glassed over and mouth slightly open. I hear a heart wrenching wail, its blood curdling. I didn't know where it was coming from until I feel my throat grow dry. The scream is coming from me. I drop to the floor, desperately attempting to bring her back, but I know deep down that she's gone. Over my cries of exasperation, I barely hear a mischievous, soft, laugh. I twirl my head around to see a man, lanky and tall leaning against the door frame. He has a slight smile pasted on his pale skin. His eyes are black with hatred. He holds a knife daintly in his right hand, his long fingers caressing the blade. I know I should be feeling petrified, but all I feel is fury, bubbling inside of me. I feel my cheeks grow red as I stand up, my legs quivering. He doesn't say one word, just stares at me with a sarcastic look of pity. He begins swaggering towards me. As if he's proud of what he did to her. With every arrogant step he takes, I can hear the sloshing of the sea of blood beneath us. I stumble backwards and trip over her limp body. Her blonde hair is stained with red. I scurry farther away from him but he doesn't seem to be going after me. He's going for her body. He reaches down and traces her mouth with the knife. A few beads of blood appear. I feel nauseous. Before I know what I'm doing, I lunge at him. I grab a hold of his head and pound him as hard as I can, channeling all of my anger and sorrow into my punches. It was a pretty stupid idea, to attempt to fight someone with a knife. He slits me once on the cheek, knocking me back whimpering like a kicked puppy. He starts advancing and this time he's coming for me. I whip around and run for it, clutching my face in my hands as my hot blood oozes out of the gash. I sprint through the open door leading to the front, I take a quick glance behind me to see if he's still following me, he is. And now he's running after me. I don't know where to run. Surrounding me at least 1000 acres are crops. I push my way through the corn, repeatedly getting slapped by the ears of corn. My feet are aching and my pain in my face is agonizing. I stop for a second, trying to see if I can hear him. But all I'm met with is the pulsing of my heart and the crickets singing their usual song. I have no idea where I am and i'm stuck in a cornfield with a murder. Fantastic. I begin walking, steadily picking up my pace. The same image is trapped in my mind. Evelyn laying there on the floor, her foggy eyes staring aimlessly at the ceiling. I shudder. A tear slides down my face, it stings my cut when it reaches it. I carefully wipe the tears away, careful not to open the gasht back up. Something stops me in my tracks. I freeze, and look around. I have a feeling like someone is preying on me. My breath quickens and my eyes raid the area left to right. I precariously take a few steps forward. I feel a cold clammy hand wrap around my wrist, and another stifling my screams as I am dragged away.

The author's comments:

One of the first thriller pieces I have ever written.

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