The Alien Package | Teen Ink

The Alien Package

December 3, 2020
By snygren BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
snygren BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Alien Package

It was very cold and the day had a gloomy feeling walking home with Everleigh. We walk home every day from school so I did not think today would be much different.  Walking down the streets of Long Island, New York is always quiet and calm. School flew by super fast and I had been having a good day, or it was good compared to what was coming soon that evening. I usually meet Everliegh by the pole next to the school, and we walk home together since we are neighbors. We live in a mediocre neighborhood with either really old people or toddlers as neighbors. During our walk home, we had a small altercation with the mean old man who lives at the corner because I walked on his lawn, again. Once I got home, I waved goodbye to Everleigh (her house is further down than mine) and headed inside. Once I walked through the door I had a slight dilemma: no one was home. Usually, my mom and dad are both home from work by the time I get home and have even already started to cook dinner. I let my dog, Rex, outside before I put my stuff down. Ugh! I have a lot of homework that's due tomorrow and need to terminate some things off my To-Do-List. My iPhone starts to ring and I read the name across the screen “EVERLEIGH”. I picked up to her saying, “GO TURN ON FOX NEWS NOW”. I quickly grabbed the remote and got to the news channel. A baby picture of me took up half the screen with the words AMELIA PARADISE underneath it. I recognized the picture immediately; it was one I found in a drawer buried in documents. The only problem was that my name is Amelia Johnson. Soon after followed pictures of my parents in police custody. At that moment I had this irate feeling for everyone and everything. This doesn't make any sense to me, and I started to panic. I said, “Why?.... How?... How is this possible?”. Everleigh told me it might be a crazy coincidence and it would blow over tomorrow. I hung up and heard a loud, firm knock at the door. I slowly walked towards the door to look through the peephole. I looked and saw an unmarked box sitting right in front of the porch. I opened the door and examined the box, it was addressed to me. I picked it up and brought it inside to open it. Inside were police files of missing person reports with the name: Amelia Paradise. There were also hospital pictures with a couple I didn’t know next to me after birth. I dropped the box and ran to my elder neighbor, Mrs. Reef, with who I am close. She opened the door and told me that she saw it on the news too. She drove me to the Police Station to get the truth. I walked through the glass doors feeling absolutely sick. Mrs. Reef called out to one of the officers, took him aside to explain, and he took me to a back room. He explained everything from my birth to now. I was stolen from the hospital by my “Fake Parents”; was raised at my known house and no one suspected anything until an anonymous tip was sent in saying it was me. I felt dizzy and everything went black. I woke up in my bed… my “fake” bed. It must have just been a terrible dream. I walked into the kitchen to my dad saying “ Well Good Morning! You were passed out by the time we got home”.

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