The Day Santa Clause Went Missing | Teen Ink

The Day Santa Clause Went Missing

December 3, 2020
By Arabella_Hinyub04 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
Arabella_Hinyub04 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright and early Christmas morning when the Rockefeller children woke up. Right when Sarah's eyes opened, she went straight into Christan's room to wake him up. Sarah jumped on his bed and yelled, "Wake up Christain, It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" Christain quickly woke up and put on his slippers. Both the children ran down stairs as fast as they could to the Christmas tree to see all of their gifts Santa gave them, but to their surprise, that was not what they would witness. To their suprise, there was not one gift under the tree! Sarah started to cry, "Why don't we have any gifts? I was so good this year!" Christain then said, "I hope we are not on the naughty list, I really wanted that toy car!" Both of the children quicky ran upstairs to wake up their parents to telll them the horrible news. The mom and dad were in awe of what their children told them! The dad then replied, "That's impossible, let me see for myself." A frown drew on his face when he looked at the empty living room. The mom said, "I'll call the North Pole and see what is the matter, the neighbors just texted me that they didn't receive any presents either, so it wasn't just us." After the call the mom sadly said to the family, "It appears that Santa Clause went missing! The elves reported that he was last seen packing his sleigh with the presents to give to all the children. Sarah said, "We've got to get to the bottom of this." Christain quickly said eagerly, "Yea! I want my toy car!"

Mom quickly remembered that when she worked at Macys, she became good friends with Santa and received a special Santa tracker that would notify her if something went wrong during the holidays.  Mom was so relieved and offered to track Santa immediately.  Father interrupted and said sadly, "No need to track him, I just watched the local news.  The headline says, "Santa Missing, we suspect Fired Elf Had Something to do With It!" 

The Rockefeller family was in shock and quickly bought plane tickets to the North Pole to try to save Christmas. When the family arrived, they began investigating.  They began asking questions at the Elf Factory. All of the elves had no clue what happened to Santa, for they were all at a Christmas Eve party to celebrate the making of the toys. The Rockefeller family was so frustrated and gave up and got ready to leave.

Suddenly, they saw something suscpicious by the front door. They saw elf tracks leading to the Candy Cane Forest. "Lets follow it!" said Sarah. When they followed the tracks into the forest, the tracks stopped by something that made the family go in shock. It was Santa's sleigh! Santa must have been somewhere close. While the family frantically tried to look for more tracks, they heard somebody say, "Ho Ho Help!" "That must be Santa!" Screamed the mom. The family ran to where the voice lead them and saw something that they never saw before. Santa was tied up to a tree! After the family untied him the dad quickly asked, "What the heck happened?!?" Santa then replied, "Well, I was packing up my sleigh to get ready to deliver all the gifts until one of my fired elves came up to me saying that he had a Christmas gift for me in the Candy Cane Forest. I followed him and he brought me to this tree and tied me up saying that this is what I deserved for firing him."

Sarah curiously asked, "Well, why did you fire him?" Santa replied, "I fired him because he would steal most of the gifts that the elves worked hard  making and would always bring them here for some odd reason." Right after he said that, the fired elf arrived at the tree. He said suspiciously to the Rockefellers, "Why are y'all here?" Sarah said angrly, "Because we are trying to save Christmas! Why would you do such a thing!?!" The elf replied, "Because Santa fired me and now I have no job!" Santa quicked backed himself up saying, "I fired you because you would steal all the Christmas presents!"

The elf then said sadly, "Well, I did that so I could give gifts to my friends in the Candy Cane forest, because you would always forget about them." Santa said in shock, "Oh, well, I didn't even know that people lived here, now I feel so bad!" The elf laughed and said, "It's ok, they still got presents because of me. Sorry I didn't tell you this. Maybe if I did, I would have not gotten fired." Santa said happily, "Well, you are rehired!" The elf screamed in joy and thanked Santa for rehiring him.

Santa quickly said, "Well, it's now time to save Christmas!" The Rockefeller family cheered and got on Santa's sleigh to help him deliver all the Christmas gifts. After all of the Christmas gifts were delivered, Santa said, "Thank you so much for helping! I have one more gift for the kids." The children screamed in joy because they got all of the gifts they wanted. Sarah said, "This is officially the best Christmas ever!" Santa replied, "Well I'm so glad to hear that. Well I have to go back to the North Pole. See you next year!" He got back on his sleigh and said one more time..."Merry Christmas to all and to al a good night... ho, ho, ho!!!" Thank God Christmas was  a success afterall.

The author's comments:

I thought this piece would be a fun little mystery for the Christmas season.  

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