Diary to Me | Teen Ink

Diary to Me

January 14, 2021
By Anonymous

Diary of Me  

  On May 17th, 2019, the night I woke up in a panic, was the night I saw my own face looking at me in my dream. Almost like looking at a mirror. Although the version that I was looking at in the eyes was not me anymore. Her face was expressionless. Their eyes were numb and had a sinister look to them. I woke up that night in a complete panic and my sleep has never been the same, my life was forever changed that night. 

  The following day May 18th, 2019. As the sun rose that morning, and I brushed off that dream as if it meant nothing. I continued my day as if it was normal, it felt normal. I went to school and had a typical day. As I was coming home from school that day, my friend and I were casually talking. They said I paused in the middle of my sentence and all they are were fear in my eyes. Almost as if I had seen something I wasn’t supposed to see. The scary thing I did not remember even doing that. It is as if reality just paused for a second. Then life felt normal once again.

  The following week on the 23rd, I had a recurring dream, the one from May 17th. This time though as I was looking straight into the eyes of myself, I said “Why?” to them in my dream. My eyes opened in panic. All that came out of my mouth as soon as I awoke was “Vestri 'abierunt”. As I was walking to school that day I saw a shadow behind me and all I could smell was rotten eggs, while the air was dense and cold. I turned around and saw nothing. A car drives by and as soon I looked into the window of the car door. I saw my reflection and she was standing right behind me. She was the one following me. She’s the dark shadow lingering in my life. 

  That night I started thinking, could this mean something? Or am I going insane? As I left my bathroom right after brushing my teeth, I turn off the light, and she’s right there. Standing behind me in the mirror. My hand moved so fast to turn back on that light. She was gone.

The author's comments:

This piece is based on a dream I had of me looking into my own eyes. Although I felt as if they had no soul. I will always remember this dream because it was so vivid. 

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