Never To Leave Me | Teen Ink

Never To Leave Me

March 19, 2021
By Anonymous

       Her laughter stopped abruptly as she read her fortune cookie message. ‘In the next month something precious will be lost, appreciate the moment.’ She looked at her family, I hope the fortune cookie doesn’t mean them, she thought. 

      “What’s wrong mom?” her son Kevin asked.

      “You look kinda pale.” Her first born son Jake added.

      She looked up at them, “Oh I’m fine! I was just reading my fortune cookie’s message!”

      Kevin walked over to his mom’s seat, “What is the message mom?!” She pulled away the message from Kevin’s reach. 

     She combed her hands through his hair roughly and said, “It says I have the best family ever!”

     Jake rolled his eyes, “Ya right, mom.”

    “Are you boys ready to get out of this restaurant and go home?”

    “Ya.” Both of the boys said at the same time. They all laughed, and went to the car. When everyone was asleep the mom went hunting for her scrapbooking she had of her kids. 

     She pumped her fist, “Found it!” She whispered to herself.

     She tied back her long black hair with her delicate white hands, and flipped through the book. I can’t believe Kevin’s 16 now! She thought. Oh my, and Jakes’ 18 next month! Aw, I miss when they were little, their tiny little hands, and their adorable little voices! I’m so sad they have to leave the house for college soon. I’m gonna miss them so much! I don’t want them to leave!

     She heard footsteps coming toward the living room. 

     “Mom? You're still awake?”

     “Huh? Is that you Jake? Why are you still up?”

     “Oh. I just went to get some water.” She turned herself to look at Jake, who was in the kitchen.

     “Then what is that thing you are trying to hide?” She got up and went to the kitchen. “A GUN?! What in the world are you doing with that??!!”

     “Chill. I’m just going hunting with my friends.”

     “Oh, I see, goodnight then. Be safe!!” 


     The next month- The night of Jake’s birthday

     “Goodbye for now, but, we can all be together forever now.” BANG. BANG. One gunshot for each person was all it took, now they will never leave me, they thought. BANG.

      Police went to the scene of the homicide, finding Kevin, Jake, and their mom dead. No clear motive for the killer. Until they found a letter. It read:


Jake and Kevin,

                             Although you may never get to read this yourselves, I just want to let you know that what I’m doing is out of love. I could not let my fortune take me away from you. I’m putting us through the same painless fate, so we could be together forever. I know you would never come and see me otherwise, so here was my solution, it will be so grand.

                                                                     I love you forever,


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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 1 2021 at 1:46 pm
living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
27 articles 1 photo 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
The roses are wilted
The violets are dead
The demons run circles
Round and round inside my head

wow, this was a really cool story.