The Side Hustle  | Teen Ink

The Side Hustle 

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

I just got an alert on my phone... there was a murder at Randolph High School! Last night apparently someone was killed in the main office. The alert stated, “Randolph HS will be all virtual today due to an incident last night. The police have been notified and are investigating.”  
This is very interesting because when I drove down Millbrook around 10 pm, there were only three cars in the parking lot, the principal, vice principal, and my English teacher. I immediately called Isabella and Dani; we needed to figure out what had happened! 
To begin, the call, “Hi guys, did you hear what happened at the school last night?” 
Dani who is very studious, but in appearance looks more like a barbie doll was completely clueless, she was too busy studying for her AP Calc. test, but Isabella knew the scoop. She is like one of those people on the show CSI, always wants to know what happened, she said, “I heard all the sirens last night flying down Millbrook! So of course, I needed to find out what the deal was. I rode my bike over so they wouldn’t see my car. I snuck into the building and heard two cops talking about what happened.” 
  Isabella went on to say, “The cops were completely engrossed in the investigation and didn’t see me. They said Principal Baxter had been murdered, and it was a real mess in the office.... blood everywhere.”  
She went in a whisper, “There were two people in the building according to the cameras. The vice principle who was being interviewed and Miss Jennis, who they can’t find.” 
 Of course, I added, “Well those are the cars I saw when I drove by, do you think Miss Jennis did it?” 
 I always knew there was something up when it came to her. There was no other option for the three of us to start our own investigation. First, I remember in English class last week Miss Jennis was fuming because she was getting assigned a different classroom right in the middle of the year. After school, on the same day, Dani saw the principal and Miss Jennis arguing in the parking lot.  
She thought back and said, “Miss Jennis looked like her head was going to blow off she was yelling so loud. The new principal was just shaking his head at her, and that seems to make her even more mad!”. 
Isabella also remembered that day that she had overheard Miss Jennis and Mrs. Brodeen talking after class. 
 “They were both pretty mad about the move, but Miss Jennis really had it in for the new principal,” Isabella commented.  
  As I went to bed that night, I kept on going over the information in my head. Yes, Miss Jennis was mad about moving her room, yes, she was yelling at the principal in the parking lot, and yes, she was talking about how upset she was to Mrs. Brodeen, but murder? Really? There was some clue we were missing. Why wouldn’t Miss Jennis go to the police and get interviewed and clear her name? Instead, she is hiding out somewhere. 
The next day I walked into English class. I was early and the only one in the room, so I decided to look around for maybe some kind of clue. As I was walking near the windows the heating unit caught my eye. The bottom piece was missing. I texted Dani and Isabella to come to room 16 and that I think I had found something. They got there in two seconds, as they were walking in the fire alarm went off. We ignored it and I showed them the heater. I bent down and thought I had seen something. I reached up into the unit and pulled out a small bag. When we looked inside there must have been a dozen diamonds, and they were HUGE!!! We all said at once, “That’s why Miss Jennis was so mad about moving, that’s why she killed Principal Baxter!!!!”  
She hid these jewels in her classroom and didn’t want to have to move her stash. 
 I went on saying, “She’s the jewel thief that had been in the news for the past month. Those diamonds are worth over 2.5 million dollars!” 
  It was time to go to the police, but as we turned around there she was, Miss Jennis, and she looked crazy! In a low tone, she said, “Hand over the diamonds I don’t have time to negotiate.” 
  I threw the bag at her because I wasn’t about to tangle with a crazy person, her eyes were blaring, her body was shaking, and her voice didn’t sound like her own, I could see she would do anything, even kill to get away free.  
But I couldn’t help it, so I had to ask. “Why did you do it?” 
Miss Jennis looked straight into my eyes and said, “Everyone needs a side hustle.”  
She turned to leave, but before she could get through the door the police barged through and yelled,   
“Miss Jennis you're under arrest for the murder of Principal Baxter, we saw everything on the security cameras."  
I had to add that she is a diamond thief too. Dani and Isabella grabbed the bag back and gave it to the police. They handcuffed her, took her out of the building, and into a police car.  
The next morning, Dani, Isabella and I woke up to the news, it was all over the internet; “High School English Teacher’s Side Hassle, International Jewel Thief.”   
The article went on to say Miss Jennis had been taking her summer breaks and going all over the world, not for vacation, but to steal some of the most famous jewels in history. She was going to face murder charges and for all the jewelry she stole. It looked like she would be in prison for a long time.  

The author's comments:

This is a suspensful story project written for my ELA class. I had decided to write about familar people with a twist!

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