The Poison Tea | Teen Ink

The Poison Tea

May 20, 2021
By bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting there waiting for him to go into his study room while I prepare his evening tea. He was being too anxious about how his meeting with the board meeting went. He was pacing back and forth making me anxious. Why won’t you stay still?! I need him to stay still so I can get rid of him and run away with my lover. 

He is making this difficult for me. If my husband won’t stay still for me then I’ll just figure another way to get rid of him. I head to the kitchen and prepare his tea. I can poison his tea! That’s a great idea. I just have to put on some gloves so there are no fingerprints on his teacup. Once I put on the gloves I pour the hot water and added the green tea. 

I add pieces of wolfsbane flowers into the tea to make it more “presentable” for my husband. Oh if only he knew what that flower can do. He is so oblivious. I can’t wait for him to die. I can finally get away from him. 

“Honey why won’t you sit down and drink some tea. It will help you relax,” I say sitting him down at his desk.

“I can’t what if they don’t accept the offer?” He says fidgeting in his chair. 

“Relax honey just drink this and you will feel much better,” I say way too calmly. 

He takes the tea and relaxes into his seat. Taking in a deep breath, he sips the tea and sighs in content. 

“Wow the tea is great and the little flowers look nice,” he smiles and continues to drink the tea. 

I walk away and start to prepare dinner. I take out a wine glass and pour myself some wine as I am marinating the steak. 

“Sweetheart! I don’t feel good my chest hurts,” He exclaims from the other room. 

I walk into the study room and see him slumped in his chair gasping for air. 

“Oh, honey you’ll be fine,” I walk away only to be pulled closer to him.

“I know what you’re doing,” He says before he takes his last breath and falls to the floor. 

A grin is plastered on my face and I walk away. Taking my last sip of wine and heading out the door where my love is waiting for me in their car. I get in and we drive into the darkness.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write something that is suspenseful in a way. 

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