Where? | Teen Ink


May 28, 2021
By LandonLeks BRONZE, Winchester, California
LandonLeks BRONZE, Winchester, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trying to fight the anesthesia, it was like somebody was forcing my eye closed, eventually, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I woke up standing up walking to the bus my brother had owned even though my brother died in that same bus in a tragic accident, anyways there were a ton of hot air balloons in the background. I felt at ease and calm here, but my brother was nowhere in sight. But then I realised something, I got out my phone and zoomed in on one of the hot air balloons, it was my brother, I zoomed into another balloon, my brother. I realised that everybody else is gone and it’s only my brother, I need to let go.

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