tulips | Teen Ink


December 8, 2021
By LILYCLEMENT1 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
LILYCLEMENT1 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I put tulips under all the pillows, and then set fire to the house. I walked across the street as flames encapsulated the house. The floral scent of burning petals radiated from the burning building. I heard sirens in the distance and I took off into the nearby forest. 

The year was 2007. I sat in my class, bored out of my mind. I observed my fellow classmates silently. The back of the room was full of ruckus as usual. Annoyed, I turned my attention back to the front of the room. She was there, in class with me, even her sitting bothered me. She was so happy and popular; I envied her. A classmate was doing a presentation in a beekeeper's outfit. She liked him too, but I didn't see it.  Geez, this class is annoying. One day I’ll get back at them. She ignored my voice.

2019, I waited patiently in the airport. I felt like a spy. Staking out a suspect, hiding in plain sight. I read a tabloid as I waited in the stale terminal. Keeping a close eye on the guy sitting down. She came into view just a minute later. She found him in the Terminal Bar and Grill. He was sober for a change. They talked for an hour or so before She had to leave. She still seemed to like him even after what he did. He handed her a bunch of colorful tulips and a note before She left. Tulips were my favorite, not hers! She arrived home before I got there. She took care of the tulips and the note. Putting the flowers in a vase with water on the dining room table. And putting the note on the fridge. “Theater 12. 8:00 pm” it said. She checked her watch and we went to get ready for bed.

She got ready for their date the next night. They had decided to go out again to see if they felt the same way. She did. I knew it, but I never liked him. I knew he would ruin it, just like he did before. I needed to fix it before he hurt me again. She dressed in a nice black dress and fixed her makeup before she left for the theater. I decided to stay quiet for the date. When she arrived at the movie theater he was there waiting for her. He bought her a ticket  and they walked into the theater together. She still liked him after what he did to both of us! I knew it, she never got over him. As soon as the movie ended I took charge. I have to get back at him. I invited him back to our place. She can't stop me. He agreed and jumped into our my car. I stayed in control as I drove him back to my house. He deserves every bit of this. 

I pulled into the driveway, walked him inside and got him a drink. The terminal restaurant worker had been paid well for giving him fish recalled for having botulism. But he doesn’t have to know that. I walked around the house dead bolting the doors. The recalled fish was taking effect now. He sat down on the couch, looking sickly. I grabbed the tulips that were still sitting on the counter and scattered them around the house. I even stuck them under the pillows. I went back to the couch where he was now paralysed. “This is for not believing DID is real” I set fire to the house and locked the front door.

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