Kidnapped | Teen Ink


January 5, 2022
By Anonymous

    As the two sixteen-year-old girls, Jennifer and Tanya, walked around the mall they entered a dress store. Tanya’s mom's wedding was this upcoming weekend and the girls wanted to both pick out nice dresses for the event. “How does this dress look?” asked Tanya, as she held up a beautiful pink dress. 

     Jennifer's eyes of jealousy glared at Tanya, “ Um I guess it's cute.” As the girls continued to shop, they noticed a strange woman following them around the mall. With fear crawling up their spines they continued walking but this time a bit faster. Entering another store they couldn't see the woman any longer. 

       A couple hours later they had gotten something to eat in the food court and decided it was time to leave. It was a successful trip, both girls happy with their purchases. When walking out the mall the world went completely black around the both of them. 

       The girls had woken up in a strange room. The walls were all pink and the scent of dust and cleaning products filled the air. The room had only two twin beds in the room, one pink and one purple. Both of them tied up, facing the walls in front of them. “Jenny, I can't see you! Where are you?”

        “I'm right here, behind this pink bed.” said Jennifer. Tanya let out a loud cry, leading Jenny to cry with her. With both of the girls sobbing, they were stopped with an angered voice outside the room, “Both of you shut up, before I come in there!”

      Later that night, the kidnapper came into the room, to check on the two of them. Both girls sat there mentally exhausted from crying and worrying. “ Why would you do this to us? We want to go home, let us go home!” cried Jennifer. 

      “Why should I let you go, they never let me leave. But now with you here I’ll finally get to leave and be free!” explained the woman. She was about in her mid twenties, she looked just as exhausted, and under the influence of drugs. But she also looked tired and sad, with bags of exhaustion under her eyes. 

      “If I can’t go home neither can you!” said the woman as she slammed the door shut while exiting. Sitting there, the girls heard the woman in the other room talking to herself, unless someone else was inside the house. But neither of the girls heard another voice talk back to the woman. A couple hours went by, the girls sat there only praying to be able to go home. 

       The lady came into the room once again. “ You know I was in your position once, crying for help. Guess what, no one heard me. No one helped. No one cared. I remember praying and crying for days and weeks. But I am still stuck here. I will help you get out, because I want to leave too. I want to go home. There's a back door just around the corner. I will untie you two loose and run as fast as you can even if I don't make it out of here.” The lady began to untie the ties, “Just make sure they don't see you and run to get help. They need to make time for all the girls they hurt. I'm sorry, now go!” 

      She opened the door for them and the girls went dashing out. Before they knew it they heard sirens just a couple blocks away. They screamed for help and directed the police to the yellowish small house they were in. “Another lady is in there, please help her!” 

     Later that night Tanya woke up and realized that she was in the hospital. “Where am I?”

    “Oh thank God you're safe my sweet daughter.” said Tanya’s mother. 

   “ What happened to the lady?”

   “You're safe now! Don't worry she won't hurt you anymore. After the police got inside the house, they found her dead in the bathroom. She had committed suicide. As well as finding out that she was schizophrenic. She won't hurt anyone anymore. You're safe with me once again.”

      The more Tanya looked at her mom, her vision got clear. It wasn't her mom, who was this lady? It suddenly hit her. The woman who kidnapped her was sitting at her bedside. 

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