The Bloody Killer | Teen Ink

The Bloody Killer

January 6, 2022
By Anonymous

We hear loud boisterous gun shots BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM!! There is scarlet watermelon blood all over the crystal white floor. With wide ginormous foot prints created by the unknown murderous runner. A creepy dead body is lying on the polished smooth floor of the bloody disgusting crime scene. The mystical large body has a pitch-black deep hole which is where the bark brown bullet is inserted. There is a scared bald man sitting in the webbed dark corner behind the dirty musty refrigerator, he is wounded. The red pepper blood is gushing out of his injured long skinny leg like a beautiful tropic fountain. The life saving paramedics run in as fast as wild African cheetahs to get him to the nearest big surgical hospital. It smells as if there was a dirty polluted lake of dying ill fishes in the small isolated store. The clear tinted windows are broken with shattered pieces everywhere. As the tall creepy investigators walk in with their hazel cookie uniforms and cow boy hats, they crush the shattered tinted glasses CLIEEECH CLIEEECH CLIEEECH. They march seriously and confidently over to the dead stinky corpse. There is bright banana yellow caution tape around the whole messy insane crime scene. More serious tall police arrive WHEEYOU WHEEYOU WHEEYOU. The whole small sleepy block is on lock down as if they’re in a prison haunted jail. The azure and rose red lights spark over the streets. There are black and white police cars cover every inch of exits so no one can leave.

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