Message in the Bottle | Teen Ink

Message in the Bottle

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

To the person that finds this:

       This message has found you for a reason. Whether you’re in France, Peru, or maybe the middle of the Atlantic. This bottle chose you. It followed the one path that led it to you, and if you’re reading this it means that it has reached its destination. 

       I created this bottle in hopes that it would reach the right person. And while there are nearly endless possibilities as to who could be reading this. I know that whoever you are, there is a reason that I have reached you. 

      There were factors along the way that guided it. Things that, if changed, could’ve resulted in you never seeing this bottle. Never reading this message. The message that was meant for you, and you only. 

      Those things happened for a reason. Even the slightest change in breeze could have altered the bottles path, making it lost completely. 

      Sometimes I wonder what would have changed if you hadn’t been the one it had reached. Would you have gone about your day in the exact same way? Or would this bottle completely change your way of thinking?

The author's comments:

The story is about a message in a bottle and the journey that it made to find the reader.

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