Bump | Teen Ink


January 20, 2022
By 3castillo BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3castillo BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to a bump in the road, looked out of the back seat window and tall pines, black night with a crescent moon shining down on the gravel road below. The car jumps up and down, The taxi driver hunches over on the wheel his expression screams fear and worry, the sweat drips down his face and a swarm of bats fly out of the forest gliding right over the windshield. The car slams to a stop, “this is the farthest I’ll go” he says pointing me to get out.

 I grab my bag, jump out the car and he peels out in the other direction. I followed the gravel path and a warm breeze of the summer night as I tread. I approached a large building,

It was something out of a movie, three towers protruding out of each corner. The windows were covered or boarded up. As I was looking up I saw a silhouette of a man on top of the towers. I must still be drowsy from the car ride; it looks like no one is home. I grasped the metal door knob, rotated it slightly and pulled the door shot open with a gust of wind hitting my face as I walked through. I glanced to my left and right both directions long couradoors. I yelled out “anyone home?” The ceiling light had flickered. A smell of mold filled the hall as I moved farther into the building. Rumbling and creaking comes from above it. Two doors I assumed to be an elevator swung open in front of me, I walked in pushing the top floor. The rickety elevator started bumping into the walls. it felt like it was barely hanging on. It was rocking back and forth tipping back and forth, trying to keep my balance and I stumbled around in the elevator. SNAP 

Suddenly two G’s of force hit my face, the elevator tumbling down the shaft my going from the I heard one last THUMP and I woke up to a bump in the road.

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