The Snowmen | Teen Ink

The Snowmen

May 6, 2022
By melodylangley BRONZE, East Alton, Illinois
melodylangley BRONZE, East Alton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the week before Christmas. My family and I decided to spend Christmas in the Hamptons that year. It was super quiet this time of year because most people are rich and have other homes in the country. My dad and I were the first ones there because he was retired and I was already out of school for Christmas break while my mom and sister still had to work. We all had our own rooms so while my dad was turning the heat on, water on and all the stuff he usually does when we first get to our houses I was settling in my room. I brought all my games with me so the first day that's all I did. There was a huge snowstorm the first night we were there which is also a reason we wanted to get there early. 

The next morning I went downstairs for breakfast and my dad was sitting at the table. He asked me when I had built a snowman. I was confused because I spent the whole day and night upstairs in my room. 

“What snowman” I asked

“The one that's in the backyard” he replied 

I went to the back window to look. There was two feet of fresh snow from overnight and in the middle of the backyard a giant snowman was sitting there in the backyard. It had sticks for arms pointing at the sky and it had a face carved into its head. The snowman was looking straight at the window. I looked at my dad in shock.

“I didn’t build that” I said

“Haha must be the neighbor kids I guess” he answered 

My dad thought it was just an innocent joke so I did as well. The next night is where things got a little weird. I was in bed asleep when I was woken up by a noise on my window. I was terrified. I pulled the blankets over my head to hide and to not be in view for whoever is out there. But after about five minutes I thought to myself maybe it was just snow that had fallen off the roof and hit the window. I got up to go look out the window. I pulled the curtain and peeked. I screamed cause what i thought was a person looking at me was actually another snowman looking at me. There was an angry frown on this one instead of a smiling face. 


He came rushing in. I pointed at the window and this time he didn’t laugh. He told me that in the morning he was gonna go over to the neighbors house and have a talk with the kids' parents. I slept in my sister's room the rest of that night. 

The next morning my dad went next door and rang the doorbell. But they weren't home. Their cars weren't in the driveway either which means they weren't even in town. That was the only house around with kids in it so it didn’t help explain the situation that happened last night. 

For about five or six days straight nothing else happened until christmas eve night. My mom and sister were finally there plus my four grandparents. So there were a lot of people in the house. We were all in the living room. It was dark out and we were about to eat dinner. Someone knocked on the front door instead of using the doorbell. We weren't expecting any other family so I was starting to get nervous.  My dad went over to the door and asked “who’s there”. The person on the other side said “please let me in, I need help”. Our door has no peep holes, windows or any way of letting us see who’s out there. My dad again asked “what’s wrong?”. The voice on the other side replied “I have no one else to spend Christmas with please help me”. We all looked at each other worried. My dad aggressively said “please leave before I call the police”. The person on the other side said “Okay i’ll leave just please do not call the police” My dad never opened the door. I got to thinking and thought maybe this could be tied to the creepy snowmen. 

On christmas morning there was a note taped to our front door that said “I just wanted to have a little fun, I made a snowman for the little boy. I have no one to spend the holiday with.” A week later it was New years. There were no snowmen and no knocks at our door. Our neighbors came home for our new years party. They were supposed to show up at seven but never did. At 8:30 we heard sirens. Multiple police, ambulances and fire trucks were there. Body bags were taken out of the house and the next day the news was explaining everything. A mentaly ill women was going around building snowmen. When our Neighbors tried leaving for our party a snowman was looking at them. The women jumped out and stabbed them. I can’t think what would have happened if my dad were to open the door that night.

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